it was only 4 min 24s i feel cheated
belter of Allie on no.57 at least i think its Allie!
Interesting, but i dont think he is suggesting legislation and i dont think be believes it will ever hapen it his lifetime. He is simply saying...
She is poor. As are one or two others. But thats why i said 75% are very good. Not 100%.
i realise you are just trying to get a rise out of people / drum up an argumentitive thread, so i will just give you a short answer dont know...
Try this
Not his full published work, but the chart in this link shows his classification system....
everything i expect of the mail yet when i read it i cant help getting so angry with the writer sad thing is the mail has a daily circulation 7...
Government Sacks Chief Drugs Advisor. . for reporting the FACTS!...
Also, i must be un-observant cos ive never noticed these 'tags' at the bottom of the threads before? What are they for? Was quite liking some...
Very good night. Think its the first time ive stayed out past 2am in over a year! :lol: Quality set from the Rossinator. Thought the...
i walk past the Academy after work every night (around 600/630) - that night there was hundereds of people queuing round the block and my only...
Im sure it was brid, not me, who said that! I thought i said i was suprised he could still see straight. :lol:
Cheers I feel 31 today. Really rough after last night Always used to feel abolutely fine as long as i got a good nights kip. Not any more. :(
Sorry to be arsey, but no i didnt forget anything. As Natalie spotted, i said interest only. If your rent covers a repayment mortgage with...
If you have to put in 25% on say a £100,000 property, then you need to lend £75,000. Interest only mortgage payments at 6% would be £375 per month...
My birthday on Thurs, so will be out for a fair few drinks on Friday. A Michael Ross UK Exclusive Set sounds like a good way to finish off the night.
try searching for 'slats' instead
I would get the bed online as the choice in the shops is gash in comparison. Got mine from here - But go to a shop...
i actually saw all those items in the bathroom when i visited brid towers recently your bathroom shelf looked like it belonged in holland &...
Separate names with a comma.