Its shit innit. You away on holls this year ????
Re: Can Quick tip... Stop drinking so much lol:D
Hi Hun. Yeah im fine, How you doing, Not been out in ages, Well ben out but not going daft if you know what i mean xx
Re: Re: Hey Everone !!!! I was waiting for that joe and trust it had to be you ha ha. I might be a bit old but i still got a bit left in...
Hello mate. Yeah i know i have been so busy with house and stuff it sort of took over my life for a bit, I need a night out to go mental....
Hey Everone !!!! Its been a while. How everyone !! all the best guys Neil:wink:
I very rearly post on this board due to the fact of all the mindless cretins with a mentality of a slug. I over the past months have watched...
Try Massive records in oxford i know they had a couple of copies !! Neil:D
Propper old bastards eh !!! lol:D
Cheers folks, Got work though today Neil:( :( :(
Hey your a funny guy you like !!!!:lol: :lol:
Edit !!! Cheers mark !!!!:D
thats just my opinion, others will have a different view. But im right. Mwuhahahaha:D
I have thought the line ups are very repetitive over the last few months. Im not saying i dont enjoy the music, Matt hardwick for me is one of...
I remember going to crasher many moons ago, The sound quality there was fucking immense every time i went !!!. obviosly a whole different...
Well done you 2 All the best Neil & Leanne xx
Its up to 240 at the min
Im Driving a Renault Cleo Sport 2.0 16v 172. I have had it supercharged and chip put on .. Va Va Voooooom
All the best mate . See you soon. Neil & Leanne
Stop fucking winjin Ha ha Hope you get better soon buddy:)
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