Avatar Early days I know but getting some rave reviews. http://uk.rottentomatoes.com/m/avatar/ Starts Wednesday at the IMAX at the metty. £10.50 for standard tickets
its on for nearly 3 hours apparently, doubt I could sit that long in pictures, going to wait for it to watch at home so I can pause when I get restless looks awsome though!!!!
Well apparently it goes by without you even noticing it. Defo gonna break me IMAX cherry early for this!
me dan and jez are going to have a bucket in the car just before we go to see this! cant wait it looks really good.
I dont think the CGI looks shit, it looks quality. It's not supposed to look real cos it's a psychedelic alien world. I cant wait to see it. Metro centre IMAX is the one like. Mick I like your style!
Never been but I've been advised by my most trusted that it's the bad boy, if you don't count the peasants, who wont be able to afford the £10.50 for IMAX anyway.
your not one rossys bedroomn floor anymore mate i thought we had exercised these demons that was a trip that went wrong IT WASNT YOUR FAULT
visually it was amazing but the storyline was exactly the same as fern gully, but on a massive scale. Pandora looked amazing and i was actually glad the humans got fucked over, as bad as it is, thats exactly what we are like. total cunts. 9/10