New Profile Posts

  1. Conway
    Conway Rossco
    Fixed :up:
  2. Conway
    Conway Rossco
    I'll have a look into it fella, cheers for letting me know.
  3. Rossco
    Rossco MistaK
    Sorry...was meant to say any ideas how to sort it?
  4. Rossco
    Rossco MistaK
    Hi mate,
    Trying to upload a soundcloud link but it doesn't show the full player in the preview post. Does it show when it goes live or am i doing something wrong? I've wrapped it around the [SOUNDCLOUD] [/SOUNDCLOUD] tags
  5. Rossco
    Rossco Conway
    Hi mate, having a bit of trouble uploading a soundcloud link and getting it to display in the post. I've wrapped it with [SOUNDCLOUD] on each side using the soundcloud button but the waveform won't show in the preview. Any ideas?
  6. Conway
    Conway MistaK
  7. adam.
    adam. MistaK
    its like a facebook wall thingy

    not bad
  8. adam.
    not too hot on the new look like
  9. adam.
    fuck knows

    kid of mini pm chat thing ?
  10. MistaK
    MistaK adam.
    what on chuffing hell is this for?
    1. Rigsby420 likes this.
  11. MistaK
  12. ManofScience
    ManofScience binni
    i'd repost it mate - we lost about 8 - 10 days worth of posts as the backup was chuffed!

    i'd good to meet u again, catch up again soon
  13. WorldonFire