Re: Weekend thread well was go 2 gk but got no money so just get pissed up sumwhere sun goin 2 darlo mates b day nice coz buy 1 get 2 free
i am off to a barn party in the lakes then off to godsktichen tomrow then sunday goin to an all day after party. shud be a gud weekend
Tonight am having a quite night in of pampering. Might pop to my dads for a chinese Tomorrow having a lush lie in and then preparing for GK on the night Sunday die from lack of sleep and others
not sure about tonight see whats happen when housemates get home, tomorrow, work then the arena then sunday after party at mine probs, then fuck all probs watch invasion all day got a few to watch.
Halloween/Bonfire party tonight at my Bro's house witht the family. Hope the food is nice Tmr- Something with Aaron in the morning, match, bars, GK Sunday- Not a lot
Friday night: Went to Newcastle to see Lee Saturday: Doing uni work, tidying my room and getting ready for tonight Saturday night: Godskitchen Sunday: After party at mine Sunday night: Dying
Today - Match, home for tea then a few drinks in Wallsend then town later on Tomorrow - quiet one I think, and I really need to do some college work