lol at paranoid beep I flew to Bergamo airport. Yea it was good, the shops were excellent, however there either wasn't that much to do there or everything was hidden away, so i just spent the weekend shopping, eating and drinking cocktails
I can't wait, 2 days shopping and culture in Milan, then off to florence for some culture and shopping, then to Rome to meet a friend who lives there Never been away by myself before, quite nervous about it Might meet an Italian hunk for Valentines!
You probably won't have any problem finding an Italian hunk for valentines, they are fucking wierd and stare at you
friday - nowt saturday - hopefully trying to stay in and cook me girl a nice meal with bottle wine or go out, which i am trying so hard not too as i iz skint sunday - go for late pub lunch then maybe cinema maybe takeaway on night
It's about 50 mins drive. There's a company that puts on coaches to take people form Bergamo airport into Milan, you can buy the tickets on the plane, the airport and i think you can just get on the coaches and pay as well, was only about a tenner return if i remember correctly.
Friday - Staying in and watching a dvd with the girlies Saturday - Getting my hair extensions done through the day then going up sunderland on the night Sunday - At work all day then work at the pub on the night I hate work!!
Tonight - gf arriving from London. My mum and step dad are staying at the moment, and it will be the first time they meet! Tomorrow - housey stuff, painting etc (as has been the case for the last few months). Tomorrow night - out with friends. Sunday - bed.
Tonight - Maybe go for a meal, some loving + Holden Tomorrow - Bed, loving, breakfast, pick the bairn up, go to see Chicken Little, then MOTD Sunday - Bed, Sunday dinner, go see Derailed, then loads a loving