Good luck you three..............Then again you dont need it.... Cant wait until Wednesday really am looking forward to it looks like it will be a good turn out....... GOOD LUCK....................!!!!!!!
im not gonna be able to get down! im at work! should be a mint night! looking forward to hearing what it was like! enjoy lads!!! an amazing sound system in there! enjoy it!
what a shitter man???? i'll let ya know how it goes though bud, think we might be recording the sets aswell so i'll cd them for ya!!!
tis that, jim just posted those tracks off the top of his head!!! that'll definetley not not be getting a play!!! theres a loada tracks not on the poll, so post them if ya wanna hear them??? blockster - grooveline (matt darey mix) lucid - carnt help myself theres two i'd love to hear!!!