So who going to give me the low down on lost?

Discussion in 'Films & TV' started by Nat, May 3, 2006.

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  1. Nat

    Nat Registered User

    Oct 22, 2002
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    Down bloody South
    So who going to give me the low down on lost?

    Right im away in the navy next week and i watched the 1st 3 episodes of lost last night anyone gonna tell me what the crack is up to 20-2..


    or could give a condensed link?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    ********** Spoilers ***********

    Highlight to view..

    The people who capture Jin, Sawyer and Michael are really people from the tail section.. they are currently housed in a different hatch on the other side of the island..

    They travel to the other camp with Jin, Sawyer and Micheal to get help for Sawyer who is shot..

    They encounter Shannon, who they think is an other and shoot her..

    She dies..

    Kate kisses Jack..

    Kate confesses :love: for Sawyer..

    Jack, Sawyer and Locke go into the jungle looking for the others.. to talk..
    They stumble across them and are warned that there is a line they do not want to cross..
    Unknown to them.. kate followed them and gets kidnapped and released upon giving up their weapons..

    Claire grows concerned about her baby gettin a fever.. and gets flashbacks regarding what happened to her when she was kidnapped.. therefore she goes searching for medicine that they injected into her when she was kidnapped..

    Her, Kate and the crazy french lady stubble upon hatch number 3.. the medical hatch..

    They find no medicine.. but do find false beards, clothing and theatrical glue.. :eek:

    The counter in the hatch accidently reaches 0.. the numbers are replaced with red hieroglyphics (sp?) and there is a sound not to dissimilar to a very large magnet charging..

    The crazy french lady talks with Sayid about something she wishes to show him.. she has captured "one of them".

    Sayid takes the man, known as henry, to the hatch for interogation..
    Henry has a back story.. he was flying over the pacific in a balloon when he crashed on this island..
    He says that he buried his wife after she died of an illness..

    Sayid, Charlie and Anna get a map from henry and go off to check his story out..

    While they are out.. the hatch goes into lockdown.. blast doors shut.. but Locke manages to stick a pinch bar under one before it closes.. he recruits henry to help him get under the door to press the button.
    However.. the door closes on his leg.. therefore he sends henry to press the button..

    While henry is out the room it is presumed the counter reaches 0 and UV lights come on to reveal a map drawn on the back of the blast door.....

    Sayid, Charlie and Anna find the balloon and the grave.. they return to the hatch..
    They tell henry that they dug up the grave.. and found a man, not a woman, in the grave.. on which he had a drivers license.. which identied the man in the Grave as Henry Gale...

    Henry is really an other..
    He said.. this is bigger than you know.. I can't tell you anything..

    He'll kill me....


    Sun is pregnant and Hurley has fallen for a blonde chick called Libby..

    ****Episode 20 Stuff****

    Micheal is found and returned to the hatch..
    He is nursed back to health by jack..

    Anna gets assaulted by the Henry..
    Anna decides she wants a gun so she can kill Henry..

    She "does" Sawyer so she can nick his gun off him..

    Micheal informs jack that the others are living worse off than them and that they could take them out..
    Jack goes to get guns off swayer (who btw had managed to nick all of them and hide them)

    While Jack, Kate and Locke go to see Sawyer Anna is left in charge in the hatch..
    She attempts to shoot Henry but can't..

    Micheal says that he will do it for her..
    Instead he shoots Anna, then Libby (who turned up and saw him shoot Anna).

    Then he opens the lock up, where Henry is kept, henry stands up with a glum look on his face.

    Micheal appears to shoot himself!

    That should do it I think.. I mighta left some stuff out though :p
  4. Chris S

    Chris S Monkey Tennis?

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Ray u have way too much time on your hands!
  5. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I know :(
  6. Guest

    more please! i dont know wot the fuck it is with the dvds my dad got but they werent the 1st seriese (sp) and none of that shit happened on them? the story wasnt that far on either. tell me more pleeeeeeeeassseeeee?
  7. Swana

    Swana Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I cant be arsed reading that. But its such a clever geeky way of doing it! respect! :up: :lol:

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