well then meet in the middle an have some skunk an cheese toasties,, get u totally wrecked an a wholesome snack
i got on at my mam for yrs to quit smokin then she did 3 yrs ago then i started she was fuckin gutted but more annoyed at how i got her to stop then i started.
Re: Re: Smoking It'd be tonnes easier if they banned smoking in pubs and clubs, wouldn't it? I love smoking with a drink, and have done since i was 16. Never yet got into the habit of it. Says something about my social life.. i.e. its not happening
Im the George Best of smoking! I pack in quite often, sometimes for years, sometimes months, days, weeks, whatever.
You might aswell not stop , You will just go straight back on them when England lose on Penalities in the World Cup next year (like i did)
Thats a really shit excuse to start smoking again. No matter how many have on a night out, I can't think of anything I'd like less than a cigarette the following day.
I haven't had a cigarette for ages.. don't intend to either. Especially since I've been having chest pains lately.
I have smoked for years, stopped a few times but always start again when I'm DJing or on the piss...just habit. Don't smoke @ work much now cos I dont have the time. Only 2 per day I'm down to. Will go through about 40 on sat night tho
havent smoked weed since last x-mas. still spending a lot of money on tabs tho. not really got ne desire to quit atm to be honest tho.
My problem is the shop shuts in half an hour, ive got two tabs left and i cant be arsed to go along Plus Martins in Prague so i cant bribe him to go