Marcel woods remix of relieve the pain is quality!! Yeah folie a deux is on pulse, but u cant bloody listen to it!! Ba5tards!!
i'm still a musician and i'm still making A LOT of music.. i cannot tell you, however, when i'm going to release something and what kind of music it will be.. but you might be disappointed if you expect it to be trance.. regards marco Just gettin this off marco ( reverb)
Just to put some peoples minds at rest and cheer a few others up. Even though Reverb has decided to quit it does not mean that SHOKK and Flutlicht are finished as well. Reverb is/was the producer so it is unlikely that there will be any new releases. DJ Natron is carrying on DJing under the Flutlicht guise ( and GiottoDJ may be continuing under SHOKK (tho not to sure on that) Edit: GiottoDJ is carying on as SHOKK play monthly on TAW and it says on the website that new dates will be announced soon
Off 17.07.03 Well, how to start... I’m taking some time off. It’s time for a change. Yeah, I’m in love with those clichés. But actually it's true, I cancelled almost every queueing project this year. Perhaps I end up making something completely different. Then again I might just need a few months off in order to gain back interest in the whole trance/techno/dance/electronic-music thingy. Who knows. However, there’s no guarantee for that. At the moment I’m particularly working on some graphic/visual related stuff. What’s definite is that I’m not going to continue the same musical style. It wasn’t bad by any means. I’ve just lost interest. I feel like starting something else, something new. So let’s see where it takes me. Marco / reverb - 21.07.03 Rumors are spreading fast. So I'll better clarify some things... This is NOT a joke. My decision is definite. It was NOT a precipitate decision. It has NOTHING to do with money or the mp3 scene. NO ONE has forced me. As far as FLUTLICHT and S.H.O.K.K. are concerned, these projects will not die. I'll try hard to continue working with Daniel and Claudio. However, it's possible that our ideas of a new way and a new sound are too different. In the end there are two possibilities: 1. I'll stay with FLUTLICHT/S.H.O.K.K. and its sound will undergo a radical change 2. I'll leave FLUTLICHT/S.H.O.K.K. and Daniel or Claudio will make all future decisions concerning these projects They are both always free to look for a new producer or to start building their own studio or whatever. Marco