Yeah, I think they were probably stereotypical towards us because we were young, I know when I used to go to church with my Gran and Grandad they used to wear suits etc for church whereas I used to wear a footy top or whatever. They probably were just looking down at us, this is what I thought anyway.
only when im lying in bad after clubbing, i go through the whole, wy am i doing this to myself thoughts lol i dont worry about it, everyones gotta die sometime, i think if i sat and thought about it id go nuts
It will just be an eternal nothing. You won't exist. Zilch. Unless Schroedinger's Cat is right. Then it makes me brain hurt.
say their is a god - i cant see how he could have seen the best way of all us living our lives, was to spend all of our time locked up in a boring invironment worshipping him.
Exactly, thats why I'm glad I was given the decision to not go to church anymore when I was a bit older, some of my friends were forced to by for years after by their parents but some still go now and enjoy it, everyone should be respected for their own decision/beliefs instead of being preached upon.
the life after death argument is the one that gets me laughing, people spending all their life being boring, never trying nothing because they are sure they are gonna come back to earth after death. The way i see it is, have fun whilst your here, if you die and thats it, then we are hardly gonna be able to argue, and if you come back to earth theres your second chance
People literally go crazy thinking about these type of questions. Just ask yourself how can time have started and how can it end? Its nuts and our brains just cant understand or comprehend it. Best just to have a cuppa and forget about it imo