ok then ill slightly change the subject, when you die, do you just want to die and that to be it, or would you want something else to happen? dont take me too seriously tho im not a bible basher
i would like to be a ghost not to haunt thow just to continue clubbing and stuff and tip clubbers off when the bouncers have spotted them with drugs
I don't believe in any god or follow any religion but I don't go around saying religion is stupid, because plenty of my friends are religious and everyone is entitled to their opinion & beliefs. The thing which annoys me most is when people assume that because I'm atheist I just haven't "seen the light".. in fact I know quite a bit about religion after going to C of E primary & secondary schools.. I just chose not to follow religion myself.
I dont go to Church in fact dont think I ever have!! I dont know what I beleive in really! Not too sure. I belive in life after death. Cause I would ahte to think I would go from something to nothing! Wishful thinking I guess! Not sure about God! or Evil. I think there is something there but not sure what!
I was christened a catholic but I haven't been to church for years. I do believe there is some kind of god tho (ya never know) but I don't think any of the religions have got it right. Even if there is no god religion has some good points, it gives a lot of people something to believe and have faith in when they have nothing else and gets them through hard times. Sadly, there are far too many bad parts to religion, people use it as an excuse to start wars, usually for there own motives. Then there is corruption, the catholic church is, apparently, one of the most corrupt organisations in the world.
I agree totally. IMO, alot of religious ideals are supported by fear of what happens when you die. As has been pointed out, some people stick exactly to the bible all their lives, look at America for example, and they think that when they die they will be allocated their own personal cloud, complete with a golden harp, to play for all eternity.... "Do not try to play the harp, thats impossible, instead, only try to realise the truth....there is no harp" - Chris trance_fan, about 5 minutes ago. So much about religion can be contradicted by science. On the topic of war, while I disagree that it causes ALL wars, it can certainly cause some of the worst wars. Look at the the trouble with the Palestinians for a most recent example. WW2 - Started because some crackpot thought Jews had no right to live. These days though, wars are often about oil!! Sorry, did I say oil? I meant "liberation"....but thats another story. SCREECH HAS SPOKEN.
Oh, and I forgot to metion the key fact of the debate : No, I do not believe in any religion at all, but I can see why some do, and I have no qualms with other peoples beliefs, so long as they don't shove them in my face. What really gets my goat at times is people who preach in streets in Newcastle (and indeed, other places), I don't feel the need to preach Anti-God messages, so they shouldn't be preaching pro-God messages IMO, especially in such a multi cultural environment. For once, Harper makes a respectable point,
Im too lazy to read all this but I dunno what to believe. Id hate to say god defo doesnt exist, to then meet him one day. I think I must believe in something cos I always think of my granda being somewhere. :spangled: Its well confusing :spangled:
i really dispise those stupid deluded fuckers that wear sandwich boards & wander round northumberland st & greys monument shoutying bout how they are god & stuff....they really really fuck me off! i generally tut & mumble LOUDLY under my breath about them....if they start talking to me directly i tellt hem how i'm a catholic & how dare they blastpheme (sp) like that! :evil: :laugh:
WW2 was started because of the Nazis expansion into Europe I think, the persecution of Jews was more than likely a contributing factor though. I am not religious at all, I havent even been Christened as my parents decided to wait until I was old enough to decide myself whether I wanted to be or not, if I decided to now it would probably take 3 priests t lift me up and wet my head with the holy water Most parents who have thier children Christened have never been in a church in thier lives (other than weddings etc...) and probably just use it as an excuse to have a good piss up
It's a piss take that like I never thought that the theroys of F W Taylor could be applied to religion in that manner