Promise and Quality DJ Competition...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lee Foster, Sep 29, 2003.

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  1. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    yup - looking at it that way - totally get ya. if noone buys the tunes then no money goes back into industry and then it starts to struggle...

    if someone ONLY uses mp3's that they have downloaded (or these make up the vast majority of tunes they play) then i agree this is wrong..shud not be allowed. these ppl are not supporting the industry at all. no score. however, i think if someone wants to use the odd "hard to find" tune on cd which they have created from an mp3 they downloaded because they simply cannot get hold of the tune anywhere, this is ok.

    i think that sort of scenario is ok - they are playin it on cd cos they cant actually buy the track....

    its a tricky one tho - your right, could go on forever about it...basically people just have to have a bit of tact and not go silly with them i think :)
  2. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    playing a hard to get tune from MP3 is one of the worst things IMO! if u havent got it, tough. Thats why the tune is rare and special... :)

    i would like to hear Lees views on it all, to see what someone who has been involved with the scene for a long time thinks...?
  3. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    am actually startin to agree with ya more n more....damm u ;) :p

    nah - a also agree with what ur sayin about keepin tunes rare n special..spose if everyone just downloads it and plays it...its gonna get hammered n ppl will get sick..

    uummm...tis a vicious circle innit!!!

    ok then - conclusion...ppl...dont play out anythin u dont own or have permission to do so :D
  4. GoalKing

    GoalKing Registered User

    Apr 23, 2002
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    Ok.. it looks like my method of mixing has caused a bit of a stir here, in particular with Mr.Revel.. so to set the record straight and to give an insight into why I prefer the digital formats, I'll give you my take on this.

    As i stated earlier, I have absolutely no problem in paying for a good tune which i love to play - but i do NOT want it in vinyl format.. Finding a decent online service to provide a wide variety of music proved impossible until this year when iTunes went online - this makes it one of the best legal sources of music on the net and a good model to follow for the rest of the industry in providing an online store.. but of course, such a service is aimed at the masses, and not for the specialised music collectors like us. I've looked the service over and found the choice extremely limited - not a hint of trance or house, but thats to be expected from an american service aimed and deliberately limited market no thanks to the larger labels using aggressive marketing to make sure the public listens to what they want them to, even tho they believe they are getting what they want.

    I've already sent a carefully worded feedback mail to Apple, and what I'd like to see provided in their service once they get off their butts and sort it out for Europe.. but i still get the feeling they'll have a hell of a time arranging deals with a lot of the labels across here - if they pull it off and provide a good service with the music we want, I'll be an extrely happy man!

    Unlike most Djs who have the time to stand in a record shop and search through rows of vinyl, I dont have that luxury of time, nor do i want to spend such time wandering to and from the nearby turntable to try it out..
    To put it as straightforward as i can, I have no intention of ripping anyone off when it comes to music, as I have a lot of respect for the DJs and producers who make this music scene what it is. But when the market doesnt provide you with what you want, how you want it (aka consumer wants, market provides) makes it hard for me to accept the status-quo. So where does it leave me? I'm left with the point of having to order (and wait for..) vinyls which risk getting warped or damaged in transit, then ripping them to MP3 - even then, the law in this country forbids you to make a copy for personal use, let alone playing it to a crowd!
    Thing is.. i don't even want the vinyl - and if i sell it on whilst keeping a copy, thats breaking the law as well because i no longer own that copy.

    I know how i like to mix, it's easier to carry tunes on a laptop than lugging around a heavy record case with the risk of damaging and losing each individual vinyl.. and the fact that at some point, that vinyl WILL expire and no longer be playable. I've mixed quite a few sets from other peoples vinyl in different places, and it doesnt surprise me to find a LOT of white labels vinyls with the tune written on.. and guessing from the numbers of records in there that way it's fair to say that these are copies with a questionable source.. so looking from that standpoint no DJ is completely legal. Have a look through your own collection and say if you're squeaky clean.. because i don't think for one minute that everyone is.

    If it's really going to bother people about the legality of the music source, it's fair to say I could loan the music from friends for the purpose of the competition, and use the MP3 version.. is that satisfactory enough for you?
  5. Project T

    Project T

    Aug 17, 2002
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    i agree with you wholeheartedly and don't play Mp3's.

    however, both bonzai music and hooj said that their closure was NOT due to the illegal Mp3 market, bonzai was just basically a change of owners filtering out the problems (basically starting when talla left the label many years ago) and streamling the whole label. however laurent whinges like a baby whenever somebody plays an mp3 related to the bonzai/banshee imprint, or at least he did 6-12 months ago in mIRC, and he had every right to do so.
  6. Project T

    Project T

    Aug 17, 2002
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    1. if you don't have time to search for tunes should you really be djing?

    2. no risk online vinyl shopping

    3. you are allowed to make a copy of your own bought tunes, providing you dont share it, if you sell the vinyl, you must give the copy away to the buyer aswell, you must purchase the song one way or another

    4. as a producer i find your view on the scene offensive, if for example every person who bought a vinyl of one of my forthcoming tunes and copied it and sold the vinyl on as you say so, thats 1/2 the possible sales gone at the most simple level. i have friends who have recently had songs released on big labels such as lost language and armarda + another up and coming producer and friend of mine has a song coming out on ATCR titled illuminate, imagine how much more % they will lose as a big release. they will 90% have to take up a full time job as sales + royalties cannot provide a stable income because of people like you and rls groups. i hardly see this as fair, do you?
  7. GoalKing

    GoalKing Registered User

    Apr 23, 2002
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    The music is what i like.. not the medium - sorry if you mis-interpreted that. I gave a bad example in mid-rant so I'd like to clarify my point of view.

    I like the online services that the likes of juno provide, the samples of the tracks give a good sense of what you'd like to purchase, but as I stated earlier I'm not a vinyl collector and I'd find it a lot easier, and quicker if they provided a secure download service for each track they have on sale - that was the poitn of my rant, it seemed to go a little off topic so sorry if you took offense.

    Guess I should be a bit more proactive and see if I can get these online services to provide digital version alongside the vinyl - it'd help move things forward toward the ideal online purchasing solution.
  8. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Just because the record has the title of the tune scribbled on doesnt mean it isnt legit!

    These are promo copies....they usually come with the title either as a sticker on the inner part of the record itself, or on the record sleeve....or sometimes just scribbled on with a marker...

    Just a way to identify the track...doesnt make it illegal by any means :)
  9. Project T

    Project T

    Aug 17, 2002
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    quality blank vinyl costs about £15 if you are to buy them individually and a cut record will last all of 20 plays if you are lucky, there is small time illegal pressing, namely HTFR and their infamous pressings of the reconstrucion of East West - Love I Lost, which was infact the 128k azareal reconstuction and was blatant. if you have a vinyl and it says something on it and you give the first beat a quick scratch and u can still hear it, it's more than likely legit.
  10. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    I think people need to understand the whole CDR thing a little more like.
    CDRs are either an advanced copy of a tune, much like a promo vinyl, just easier to knock up and distribute, or they're a medium used by unsigned producers to get their tracks out and get them played, without having to pay stupid fees to get simgle figured copies of vinyl pressed.

    However, people see CDRs as 'cool', and so download whatever they can from file sharing programs and stick it on a CD they bought from PC World, and chart it as 'CDR'.

    You have to respect the industry, and realise that people still buy the wax when it drops, the CDR is just a form of getting the track played before it does so people actually play it when it's finally pressed and available.

    I know lots of 'big DJs' (some that you might have even heard of! :p) that get all the upfront CDRs, but will buy a copy on plastic when it comes out. After all, what's £5 for a tune to people that get paid £1000+ per set?!
    It's just a way of paying back the label and the producers.
    After all, if everyone played the CDRs and nobody bought the vinyl, the labels couldn't continue, and so couldn't even put out the CDRs anymore!

    I get a hell of a lot of stuff on CDR, but vinyl is still my preferred format, so I'll buy it, if/when it's available.
    Granted that's sometimes many months down the line, but it's still a way of keeping your favourite producers/labels in business.

    MP3 wise, the same rules apply. Fair enough, if such a service was available in which you paid for the tunes you'd use it, but there isn't, so you don't. Buy the wax if you have to, and record it to CD or MP3 Then you know you'll always have another copy if needed. The whole 'CD will take over vinyl' attitude is a deluded one. This is not going to happen, or if it is, it's a long way away. Yes, with Pioneer bringing out such wizardry as the CDJ800/1000, CD is getting as close to vinyl as ever, but it's still just an accompaniment.
    As with the Final Scratch and other MP3 software, people don't use it all the time.
    Plus, if youre really serious about DJing, and would like to get places, I don't think you're going to find many gigs by which you turn up with your laptop, plug it in and mix away, so vinyl is always going to be beneficial to you, your favourite labels, and your favourite producers, and everyone's a winner :)
  11. Nat

    Nat Registered User

    Oct 22, 2002
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    Down bloody South
    Just thought i'd post something on this thread cos everyone else has:p
  12. Micky-Owens

    Micky-Owens Registered User

    Oct 17, 2003
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    i tried useing mp3`s once and it was shite

    wasnt impressed at all :rolleyes:
  13. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    Those linemaster things? They've been around for years, and you can use any medium for that, even MD.

    Agreed that those days are numbered too, but CDs, etc are working well as an accompaniment, not a dominant medium :)
  14. Lulu

    Lulu Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    i cant be arsed to read back through ALL 500+ posts to see if this
    question has been asked already, so i dare to ask another question, When are the first heats and more importantly when/how do you find out if your through?
  15. Lee Foster

    Lee Foster Dark Magician of Chaos

    Apr 21, 2002
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    The Shadow Realm
    Re: Re: Re: Poor...

    He slides it under the door!

  16. Chris_Spence

    Chris_Spence Registered User

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    So how many people did actually send CD's in then????
  17. Lee Foster

    Lee Foster Dark Magician of Chaos

    Apr 21, 2002
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    The Shadow Realm
    The number is...


  18. Chris_Spence

    Chris_Spence Registered User

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    just 20!!! would've thought they'd be more than that. Do you kno how many Quality CD's were sent in Lee??

  19. CHU


    Oct 13, 2003
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    Re: The number is...

    20 across both categories?
  20. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Re: Re: The number is...

    have u sent one of your cds in?:)

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