my problem is that i need to get out of this fooking shit country and to the wunderfulness that is ibiza but i cant fooking go until i have a job!!!!! please sumone give me a job im so fed up lol, but theres literally, no word of a lie about 3 infant teachers jobs goin in the whole of newcastle n north-tyneside at the mo!!! how shit is that, its making me so miserable slavin ma arse off 4 3 years only to discover that im probs gonna hav to spent september havin to do supply teaching !!! gggrrrrr!!!!!!
aww hunni, sooo sorry to hear that....theres a lack of infant teacher jobs going anywhere at the mo...... freinds are having probs finding jobs tooo....dont worry tho sweet, u will find one!...nd supply is like £100 a day.. xx
Uve only just finished dont worry!! Just have a mint summer n then after concentrate on ur job.... you will get a job if you wait and supply teaching isnt so bad! good things come to those who wait