Factory work is about £6 - £10 an hour , e.g Atmel , sinoffi ! usually consists of 12 hour continental shifts tho !! ..fidds...
Class. I've kept my job for when I go back to college. Get a month off, can work whichever hours I like and I still get decent money
She's 22 in november... still it wasn't just the wages, it was the fact they didn't provide transport home... especially when the venue isn't exactly in quick walking distance to anywhere... and there is no way i'd let her walk away from there on her own either. I'm on £5.15 for a bar job at the mo and the hours are very sociable... this one is nearly a pound less for unsociable hours... its not as if the bigger venues can't afford it They advertised it with "competative wages" ( ) but wouldn't actually say the exact amount... I wonder why
Ahhhhhh, now I definatley know who you are talking about Competative my arse, all decent jobs I have seen have either openly displayed the rate of pay or told anybody that has asked with no questions asked. BUSTED! Not providing Taxi's home is a joke aswell. SHAME ON YOU.
Exactly... its a stinker And loads of my mates have worked for places where the bars/clubs have deals with taxi companies... they get a discount fair and a reliable ride home, that would be acceptable. Oh and congrats on working it out too
What can I say....i'm just too good. TBH I had my suspicions...but then you hit the nail on the head!! **********, sort out some taxi's for your staff, there's no excuse....we know who you are
Indeed Oh and higher wages... £4.20 even as a starting wage for a job with those hours is a piss take and a half!
Could do... :think: or maybe your celebrity status could drag a few more punters through the doors... hence improved wages!