Well unless you spoke to ruth at the boat which Im presuming by the question you didn't... remind us why you asked this again!?
I couldnt remember speaking to her but I was a little gurning idiot lol also lee isnt a mackem hes from seaham
yeah...look he's not a mackem as in lee the mackem but he is still a mackem i had to establish that he wasn't you when i met him it's very confusing i know
forgiven Jess he was confused is my guess....that & he can't remember if he spoke to me at the boat :spangled:
Re: Re: Re: lee He's just jealous cos he can only afford to leave Seaham once a month, even then he only gets as far as Newcastle.
its true i was spotted necking jim beam in quayside bar at 8, the seven pints i also had before boarding didnt help. youd have thought the warm beer aboard would have put me off hope yous all had a gooden
everythin stopped workin at one point i think. i had to settle for a pint of warm cider :sick: the boat