To be honest I've only liked kallocain on anjuna... the rest of it is absolute shite, verging on pop-trance sometimes.
Aye I forgot about rush, liked the super8 remix of that to I take back my original comments, but not heard rollerball i dont think?
like fuck anjunabeats is awesome Dj tab - Verso Smith & Pledger Vs Matt Hardwick - Day One Alt + f4 - Alt + f4 Menno de Jong - Guanxi P.O.S - Gravity P.O.S - Remember / Amnesiac Smith & Pledger Vs Matt Hardwick - Connected Yilmaz Althanhan - Eighties Stephen J. Kroos - Phantazmz i could go on all day
smith & pledger are shit alt+f4 was cheese eighties wasnt too bad but was all about ozgur cans mix guanxi was shit dj tab is ok i suppose but not really heard enough to say ive listened to phantasmz cant remember how it goes so ill check that
had a quick listen to this forgot how fast trance actually is that techno track right at the end is offside as fuck and hurt my ears