Workin in A&E as a technician @ the mo....enjoy it, but it has its bad days. I have been pissed on, spewed on, spat @, and nearly assaulted several times. Startin me ambulance technician trainin soon tho, cant wait. Neee norrrrr neeeeee norrrr...heh heh look out nucastle.
Yeah, my ambition since i was a lil' un. Will be gud to be out n about allday, loadsa variety, no routine, plus i hate bein stuck indoors.
coz my boss is a twat ive been getting loads of harassment at work off him, which has pretty much made me unable to go to work, so im on the sick at the moment, but im not actually going back, just waiting for 2 weeks til ive worked there a year, and then im planning on suing them for harassment.
im ok, enjoying being a hermit, lol. Havnt been out much reccently! Might be up for another trip up with carrie sometime though, we always have a laugh up in glasgow!!
You can sue your employers for that? WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME THAT 2 YEARS AGO??? I work full time at Morrisons up in Killingworth stacking shelves of washing powders and fabric conditioners. Come and laugh at me in my apron. I would LOVE to sue my manager, Dave, he's a right twat. Pissed me off so much today that I started telling people I'm gonna leave and he must've heard and started being nice to me lol. Think I might apply to Tesco's up at Four Lane Ends. Ahh, retailing, ain't it fun? (Answer: No! Shit work, shit hours, shit managers, shit PAY - on min. wage at the moment £4.62/hr, shit everything really) America for 9 weeks in May. Majorca for 2 weeks in August/September. Uni for 3 years in October. Bring it on!
lol, well its more than just that, hes abusive, hes cut my pay (there are people doing less work than me and getting paid £3 and hour more!!) hes insulting, he insults the way i look, he gives me warnings for nothing, and just generally gives me greif 24/7. not a very nice boss really. When i gave him my sick note (for occupational stress) he laughed and said "so you expect me to just give you 2 weeks off.....just like that?!?" i had to tell him that i was having the 2 weeks off because i need them, and walked out. Doubt id even have a job to go back to if i wanted to, hes had it in for me since he started, and has been dying to get rid of me!
That actually sounds like the identical twin brother of my manager. Is his second name Wilson by any chance? Although my boss has never given me trouble about sickness (which is probably because I've taken one sick day in 3 years), he's always hassling me. He KNOWS I'm a good worker, I've been there longer than most other people. I've been there longer than HIM for god's sake! But he loves giving people hassle. They only made him Grocery Manager because no-one else wanted it, and he's loving the "power"! My mate got a job there last year and walked out solely because of him. When he got the job as manager 3 people left the shop and 4 people switched department (about 25 people on the department). And SINCE he's become boss everyone is miserable and another, about 10 students have left. But him being an arse-licker managed to convince the GM to give him double the amount of staff that he needs. Meaning he can do less work and brag that he's "doubled his sales since last year when Paul was manager and should become an Asst. Deputy General Manager within 2 years". Bollocks. He well needs a bullet in his cock.
Pulled a sicky after a messy nite... jobsworth of an assistant manager had a go at me down the phone and hung up, went in on the monday and kicked up a right stink and handed my notice in to the manager... I knew for a fact they needed me more than I needed them so I wasn't surprised when I got a grovelling apology on my next shift! Not had any trouble since!
Im on a placement year at uni working at Corus (British Steel) doing marketing for the construction sector, 6 months left then Im a student again!