Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Iraq There is conflicting information Al Queda and a sperate Islamic resistance movement have claimed responsibility. Either way Al Queda were not active in Iraq until we invaded it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Iraq depends if the invasion was needed the majority wanted sadam out its not the same as say germany invading britain like they tried i ww2 the population of britain did not want their leader out and their government disbanded
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Iraq erm wtf?!?!?!?!? The vast majorities of the Iraqi#s didn't want a western invasion, the last time the west promised to oust sadam they betrayed the Iraqi's which created a huge mistrust for the west. learn your history.
if there are any al-qaeda forces in iraq then they are there purely to disrupt peace efforts as al-qaeda's cause has fuck all to do with iraq, their aim is to remove foreign troops from saudi arabian soil. most iraqi's want peace but who are they supposed to know who to trust? the coalition forces are mistrusted by many people and for good reason... the insurgents are feared, where are innocent civilians supposed to turn? people should really look deeper into what they are talking about before passing idle generalisations.
??? how can you do that when a lot of people wont know who the insurgents are and if they do they run the risk of being murdered for helping the coalition. this isnt some cushty place where ya can grass up the local terrorist... its a matter of life and death. also many dont trust the coalition. as joe said they were let down by the west previously in basra in the first gulf war and now hear stories about troops abusing pow's and see soldiers with guns and tanks patrolling the streets. to put it mildly its a bit of a headfuck.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Iraq First off - Sky News: the most honest, un-biased, un-political and profit-motivated UK news channel. Secondly - Al Qaeda: Didn't even exist until the americans made it up in January 2001 or so. Bin Laden's group (Islamic Jihad or summinck) were happy to take on the name for notoriety. There is no huge terrorist network. It never existed - what flimsy excuse of a terrorist organisation there was, was blown up with the taliban and half of afghanistan. The people blowing themselves up and kidnapping people in Iraq are desperate people, who don't want an invading force screwing up their lives, taking their nation's wealth, murdering their families and friends. Desperation leads to terrorism. But what does it matter? It's only happening to gooks in gookland, who gives a fuck about the gooks?