I've heard the worst stories from the boat doormen. A mate got started on there once by a few lads, someone came behind and got him in a headlock and he thought it was one of them so he elbowed them in the face. Turned out it was a bouncer, they hauled him off to the back of the boat, give him a proper hiding. Said they were gonna chuck him in the river but im not sure whether that was just to shit him up. Then dumped him on the quay off the back, taxi to the hospital, broken ribs etc.
exactly, apart from you injuries obviousley, but its your word against all of theirs, and they could play the "he was mortal and is talking shit" card. they wont be daft enuff to do it infront of cameras
I remember that, Nass was ringing me like every two seconds.. "I'm not coming out" "I'm coming to Promise" "I can't get any cash out" "I'm going to Bambu with Smog & Paula" "We didn't get in" "Come back for afters"
They aint gonna be stupid enough to give someone a pasting where there are cameras, its like ikon as well. I know people who have been dragged in to rooms off the side there and given a hiding, its unlikely any little room is going to have cctv.
I never actually made it onto the boat. tried three times and got knocked back every time. Glad really cos it seems like a shithouse
what do expect from blokes who earn their living looking intimidating and dealing with bother. you don't go into that job unless you are a certain type of person. just like all walks of life some people you meet will be cuntier than others. i've met doormen in the past who i would class as good friends at the time, yet i've also witnessed some disgusting unprovoked violence upon my friends and other members of the public. like most things you can't generalise, so no point getting all bitter about it.
all i can remember is kev shooting off back to teesside in the early hours cos he was on a promise from some random bird
Carries sister told me a story almost exactly like this but Im not sure it was at Foundation I cant remember though
i'm pretty sure it is a story from the letters page in mixmag circa 2001 about a bouncer at MOS.. and chinese whispers have done the rest.