I need some advice here.. my sister is only 14..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, May 5, 2005.

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  1. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    ask yourself what were u doing and thinking about at that age :)
  2. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Terra Firma
    You were going to promise dressed in cyber? :eek:
  3. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    aye exactly, it cud be worst, she cud have been doing what i was doing and spending most of her youth on cloud 9 :lol:
  4. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    It's like i said before though.. the outcome of this situation with a 14 year old boy and 14 year old girl can be a lot different.. plus it's natural for me to worry about something like this but i see what ur saying. It's the direction she's taken/moving in also though.. if she was a lovely little 14 year old using decent language, wearing smart clothes, calm instead of resorting to screaming at the top of her voice all day long whenever someone doesnt do something she wants, able to spend a weekend without drowning herself in cheap cider and hanging around kids that aren't some of the most scruffy looking and arrogant in the region then maybe i wouldn't be so worried about the fact that she's started having sex at an early age. We live in a decent area (wouldn't say posh, but the estate is quiet and the residents are mainly families of well behaved children and a few oldies then all of a sudden when she started school she stopped hanging around here and now gets her boyfriend to pay for her taxi up to his house which is obviously where she's picked up all these new friends so it's been a faily big change within the last year or two that I've noticed in her, and it wasn't expected at all.)

    Anyway, I've ranted about this enough already and recieved a load of decent advice from the majority of you. Also I realise this is a msg board visited by clubbers so this is really off topic so I'll let it drop now.

    Cheers all :up: :king:
  5. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
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    was it about that age that you had your first hit ?
  6. Scottish_lass

    Scottish_lass Registered User

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I'd def go with the trying to talk to her. Going to the rents about it wont do u any good whatsoever she'll just think ur backstabbing and will not trust you at all.

    That call you heard was as someone else pointed out probably her trying to find out information or to book an appointment for family planning. Ask her about it explain what you heard and your concerned for her ask if she's been to family planning etc if not then suggest that she does to be on the safe side - your not gonna stop her doin it but getting her to go on the pill or injection would be a better idea imo. Tell her that you have a fair idea of whats goin on if she denies it then u mention the book - although she might think u've been snoopping around her things if its just so happened to fall open at a particular page and aslo you read her msn convos. I wouldn't go in interigating her about it just more of a chat on being concerned for her etc just let her know as again someone else pointed out that if she does have problems not to hesitate in coming to you with them for help - make sure to promise her its between you and her tho with no parents involved, she might not trust you fully on that one i know at that age i wouldn't have trusted my brother and sisters but at least you've tried.

    The whole bf i wouldn't go threatening him at all he's clearly going to go back to your wee sis about it which will piss her off bigstyle which wont help matters at all. You just do exactly what you done with your sister and have a wee chat to him just say u know what its like being 16 with a gf (even if its not the case what harms it goin to do) - try to just relate to him so he see's where your coming from rather than lookin down on him as a silly wee boy and lecture. Say to him your worried about your sister and that if they are sleeping together just to make sure they are goin about it the right way as you dont wanna see your wee sis pregnant or anything.

    As others have said she's gonna live her own life you cant stop her doin that people learn from their own mistakes doesn't matter how much other folk tell them not to do something they're gonna do it if they want. Its probably a phase she'll grow out of soon enough most folk go thru a rebelious stage its all part and parcel of growing up. Hope you get things sorted out tho and your able to talk to your sister about things :)
  7. Guest

    my advise is .. if she dos'nt know you've seen this book ... play wise and say that your mam has been asking questions about her to you .. make out that she knows what shes been up to kind off .. like your mam aint daft type of thing and she'll shit when you tell'a that she knows something.... heehee and she will tell her mam herself probably when your out somewhere lol.. haha ...BOMB SHELL .. you sit back and laugh when you hear the news.. narh :evil: :D .. if shes clever she might start and want to confide in her mam if she thinks ur mam, has went to you for advise about her before actually kicking off with her as such if would at all go like that...! Aye !.
    this is lieing tho so .......... good luck if you take my advise.
  8. princess jane

    princess jane Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    under my desk
    T'aint such a thing as a lovely little 14 year old mate. Once the hormones kick in then sense goes out the window.

    At 14 I had a 19year old bloke, was going to happyhardcore raves and necking copious amounts of alcohol and speed.

    Luckily I always kept myself right contraception wise and managed to stick in at school.

    I know this doesn't help you with the here and now but at least there is hope in the long term. If she's telling her bloke she won't miss school to see him then she can't be all bad.
  9. princess jane

    princess jane Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    under my desk
    plus I wouldn't believe everything in her little book

    there's a lot of one upmanship and trying to out-cool each other when your that age, bragging about boys and sex is pretty much the norm.
  10. tizza2k

    tizza2k Watch this ere.

    Oct 22, 2004
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    14 aint really that young to be fair.
  11. Freddy Flintoff

    Freddy Flintoff WE MISS YOU JOHN

    Oct 12, 2004
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    My niece is 14 and is nowt like this just shows how easy it is to go one way or the other, Dont even think my niece has snogged a boy yet, she has a crush on a lad but thats it. I love her to pieces she is great at school, top of her class, and a right little princess, i have to say tho if she was like your sister i would be gutted and pretty stumped what to do also
  12. some_random


    Dec 3, 2003
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    Where the wind takes me
    if you try and talk to her about it calmly and she goes mental then your parents will hear her screaming and find out what's going on in which case you won't have to tell them but they'll know OR you could use the tactic of "you can either talk to me about it calmly and i can advise you or i'll tell mam and dad exactly what ur doing and give them evidence" it's guaranteed my big sister used to use it on me when i was a nightmare.
  13. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    It wont be long till shes sucking on a cock dont fool yourself Spunk!
  14. Alun

    Alun bouncy bouncy

    Feb 20, 2004
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    my 14 year old nephew has just found out that his 14 year old girlfriend is pregnant, she said she's keeping it, naturally my nephew is gutted, my sister even more so as she will be a granma by the age of 32!! harsh.
    try talkin to her as a bruv, if she won't listen then let her get on with it, at least you tried.
  15. princess jane

    princess jane Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    under my desk
    gutted enough to wear a condom next time?
  16. Alun

    Alun bouncy bouncy

    Feb 20, 2004
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    i guess so, he was sayin that he only went without once or twice!! kids eh!
  17. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    He will be even more gutted when someone expalins the child and the CSA will take half of his wages for 18 years UNLUCKY SON
  18. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    i was a veteran by then fella ;)

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