if anything it's the opposite, i'm sure I read recently that as little as 5% of the global population is ginger and it will probably be fixed out of the species by the end of this century
WTF?? are u mental? just goes to show doctors have NO IDEA what about eyebrows? fair skin? freckles? might as well paint a bulleyes on yourself! BE GING AND BE PROUD!
Well if you're red haired you're like, part of that 5% of the world population who retain the right gene combination. As odd as it sounds, I say you should turn that so-called problem into a strength. You're not like the 95% of standard plebs. And if any cites the ratios of down syndrome sufferers or pariplegics within the world population as a counter point, I only have one thing to say: - It's a hair colour. See, not exactly hilarious, Bill Hicks material is it?
i know a kid who dyes his hair and eyebrows jet black and did at one point try to attempt to dye his goatee the same, which in fairness made him stand out like a sore thumb, whereas if he felt comfortable with himself then he just be another decent lad who's hair colour that happens to be born with ginger hair,it dosn't matter whatsoever really,just to immature twats