Shite line-up in my opinion. Apart from Gielen, it does nothing for me personally. I realise that other people will love it tho. That's fair enough. Never mind. I'm sure I'll 'broaden my musical tastes' or sumthing.
Wicked line up! Gielen was mental last time. Thats febs wages spent then eh? What date will that be? I need to sort work, transport, n stuff, i aint missin it. :groovy:
Aww, man! Has he still not put the date up?? I need to know cos Im going to Nation on the 6th and Trees 21st so really dont want it to be either of those weeks! Misstress Barbara is top notch, cant wait!!
No way!! Im more looking forward to Misstress than Gielen. Slash - Open ur mind to more than Matt and Marco V - U'll enjoy it!!!!
Come away from melodies and think behind it. With trance, what are you dancing to? that beat, thud and cymbols and techier stuff that goes behind the melody. Think about how that makes you want to dance and how with techno they're enhancing that element of the tunes instead of floating around like a fluffy trance pansy and get down to the bosh bosh/funk/grooves. Dance. im pissed as fuck.