As a married women I am glad your not!!!! Now make me a nice bacon sandwich & your luck might be in the night
1) anyone over the age of abuot 13 can be in a serious relationship if they want to be. myself and martin are in a long and happy relationship, but there are too many fart jokes for it to be serious. 2)if invisible amy wants allie to have her password, then he can do whatever he wants in her account. me and martin have each others passwords for email and message boards, and even have each others pin numbers, altho i doubt he can remeber mine. when i was bored i used to read his emails and sent texts and things...altho thats how i found out he was shagging around behind my back...but lots of couples share secret things... amy is just jealous cos hogg doesnt trust her with his passwords. there may be more to comment on, but i only read the 1st 2 and last pages of this so i dont no
if my g/f even started having the notion of checking up on me. i'd ditch her before she could even finish the sentance to ask for such passwords. i live my life, which she is a part of, she is not my life. if you can't trust the person, of have your own insecurities you need to get out the relationship and sort yourself out or figure out why you can't trust them.
i think amy is probably just secure with hogg, and has probably never even thought about going into his account. am i right???
tis heather but under martins account...which will piss him off...ah well. amy is always going on about how perfect hers and hoggs relationship is, if she thinks its that perfect then hes hiding lots and lots from her. nehow...more fart jokes...every one...this board is becoming a way to serious relationship!
When have I said in this thread that mine and Hoggs relationship is perfect? And trust me heather, he aint hiding nothing from me, he doesnt have the time to Chris - yep. I set the account up for him so I know the password but I dont ever go into it. I also know his email password but ont ever go into it. I just think that some stuff shuld be kept private. He doesnt come to my computer and watch over my shoulder when Im talking to people on here/msn or whatever. We trust each other so we dont need to check what the other is doing
Oh and Heather, cast your mins back to Valentines Day when some wanker called sp@ce came on the board and told us all that Hogg had been getting off with his girlfriend right under my nose in promise. Not for even a slight second it it ever enter my head that he was telling the truth cos I know what Hoggs like, I know how happy he is and I know that he is not the kind of person that would give me reason not to trust him. He is 100% committed to this relationship