Wicked, thanks. Erm...im broke, are there any timescales to my imminent wealth? Off to website to check for me bro, he dreams about, flying cups & saucers and a landrover going up a dirt track apparently. What a f**kt up family i have.
Thats just reminded me!!!!! I got Stephen just like u said over the wkend!!! Should have heard him squeal!!! LMFAO!! :clap: Very funny :laugh:
apparently eating cheese before bed gives you screwed up dreams. Lack of sleep also produces the worst paranoia I have ever experienced. Dreams when you are wired/stoned are class, cos u see things which are awesome at the time but never remember, until you are wired/stoned again.
my fat bastard flatmate dreamt he was a doughnut a while ago.. the greedy fuck i have far too many day dreams its all i seem to do weed produces the worst paranoia ive ever experienced.. apart from comedowns when you think every bastard and their dog is out to get you.. after the last arena i had to go home early from work cos i thought i was gonna smack one of the customers when i short changed him... for the third time that night! the thought of pills makes me want to be physically sick now...
i have mad dreams all the time... iv'e just woken up after one about nowish,. actually i can't remember exactly how it started but i was living somewhere that definietly aint here... looked american, kinda beachy type place had a girl at my apartment, and we were sitting in the living room wearing pj's (it was late on) anyway, one of her friends comes over (male) and starts necking on with her, in my living room in my house... im bemused and leave the room, most confused and pretty angry... i then hear them leave the house, and they let the dog out when they went. i go to look for the dog, and catch them shagging, to which she goes mental and threatens to 'phone the police' which naturally just enrages me more, given the circumstances... the lad she was with starts shouting his mouth off as well, so i knocked him out and threw him off a pier :spangled: .... and then it gets even weirder, but i think this may have just been cos i was kind of 'waking up' all hell breaks loose and apparently i've been ' punk'd ' but well, ive thrown someone off a pier... at which point i woke up as i say, i notice the very ends of dreams start to get mad as fuck, i think it's cos you are starting to come back into conciousness and your brain starts making things up to please you, hence the whole 'haha it was a joke thing' :spangled: and i used to have recurring dreams for over a year, where i would be trying to save some female ( always someone i knew, but not always someone i found attractive ) i would save them but i would always die in the process. :spangled: i have lovely dreams. ah well...
i dream that im awake but cant move , but want to and try to shout out but cant , then i do actually wake myself up by shouting ............................? ...fidds.... p.s its at least once a week too !! :spangled:
I hav simular ones....ur actually awake n can see round the room but u cant move or anything n u try to shout but u can see the room....I used to hav them so often i went to the doctors about it and he sed its if ur stressed or sumthing....its wen ur bodies waking up but ur brain is still asleep if that makes sense...:spangled:
Re: Re: Dreams I only have to types of dreams....one where i'm being hunted by killers and i always hide in the attic (you would have thought the killers in my dreams ould have twigged onto this fact by now!), then i always end up killing people and realise that infact evryone is hiding fom me as i'm the killer. my other dreams are ones here i fly and i know i'm dreaming and so can control where i fly t and when i wake up....
yeah really feels like im awake , try to move my arms but cant , sometimes i really start to panic tho thats y i try n shout as loud as i can to wake myself up , then i cant get back to kip for ages cos i worry that its gonna happen again straight away !!!! to be fair i have a few things going on in my life that cud be causing me to be stressed like !!! ...fidds...
Well what happens if you go back to sleep straight away is it does happen again until u wake urself up properly n then go to sleep!
it has happened 2 and 3 times in a row b4 but very rare !!! ...fidds.....:spangled: p.s i have had dreams that make no sense wot so ever as well but the thing i find funniest is when people ( have all been women ) who wake up but are not properly awake n speak total jibberish , like words in no particular order that mean nothing , usually results in me just about pissin me self laffin like !!!
I have just, such weird dreams, i duno! Rachel i have had just as weird dreams as that! Duno what it is really. Weed probably. :chill: I had a dream i was outside this like big mansion, which was like the house off emm the haunting but it was black...but it was a childrens home and my 'boyfriend' lived there, who was this hideous hyena (sp) looking character who used 2 be in my yr... He answered the door, and then we were just talking and that..and i lit a cigarette and as i did i looked over to these other houses that were nearby and my old head of year miss wilson was in the window, and she was like staring at me.. & then she went out of the window and came back...and she had a MASSIVE tab in her mouth, like double her size ( dunno :spangled: ) & then this man walked next 2 her...looked at me and ran out of the house and threw a trumpet and a log at me.. and then i woke up. A trumpet and a log though? Why...
yes i had realley wierd dream the other night i was in the bb house by my self with my costume from last years ggathering hoover and all it was as pepole call it my cyber rooster outfit and i was snorting every type off drug there is then davina came in the house in cyber it was well wired and we started boshing loads off little ones and stomping then we were sitting there with homer simpson he was giveing us advice on life it was well fooked up
Yea, i had a really wierd dream last night.. it was about everyone getting their heads chopped off, they had to wait in a que to get their head chopped off, and everyone seemed up for getting their head chopped off - and when they chopped ur head off the put it back on again, was well wierd, and i was in the que as well - but i chickened out, then everyone who had their head chopped off went past me in a red bus:spangled: