oh i forgot about this amusing dialogue in coco v rossy: "haha fucking hell check out the size of her" me: "erm.." (looking around for a fat lass but not seeing anyone) rossy: "haha she must a midget or something.....................................ahhhhhhhh fuck she's just sitting down man" (all laugh) quality moment
I was like "fucking hell look at that midget" "shit she's sitting on a seat" They're only about a foot off the ground.
Wtf! I've came over to you once with absolutley none of my mates anywhere near you. I really do need the whole of the army, or perhaps the RAF behind me to have a quiet word with you. Nevermind, just a misunderstanding:chill:
will this ever end its getting boring now back to the diggers subject didnt really rate him to be honest still had a good night though the sweatbox was mint upstairs and they afters well it was a messy affair
One of the tossers that you speak of was having a piss on the dancefloor at the back...horrible cunt! On a lighter note Jessie Rose was top draw.
I really don't know what he's talking about. The only bit of bother was afterwards on here.:spangled:
i saw some lads kick fuck outta some people with a table leg and half a chair, but its a common ocurance where i live
the shit between you and miller is just getting boring though, i know its not exactly harsh just tedious