Pike - I was wondering about water companies etc cos I've just had a last elecricity bill as I'm changing suppliers but they don't even have my name, they just keep addressing it to the occupier. I wonder if they could do anything if they knew I was the only one living there :s Nymark - did you just think they would forget about it and you wuoldn't have to pay it any more?!?! Even by settling the debt you can still have a CCJ and they stay on your credit file for 6 years making it hard to obtain credit for that time or at elast increasing the rate. I see loads of people at work who just don't realise how missing payments and gettnig CCJs can affect them. Even by having 1 CCJ it can change you from a high street lender to an advers one and put up your interest rate by at LEAST 1% and you then have to put down a 5% deposit, something which is quite difficult for those on low wages or who are having a bit of money trouble. There are also loads of people who don't even realise they have defaults or CCJs cos they can be given without your knowledge. If you are having a bit of trouble just cnotact the lender or company and tell them then they will sort something out, maybe pay a bit less each month until you can afford more , youd be surprised how much this will work and will stop you getting those CCjs and defaults Or if that fails, jsut pay your bloody bills
Re: Debt work with the companies you owe money at the end of the day they would rather you pay £1.00 a week back that nothing at all
http://www.experian.co.uk - you can order it online, or phone up to order it. It only costs a few quid.
I found god...we talk night and day...I was once in dept...now im not thankyou lord for this fine day
I have around £10,000 in student debt which I haven't even started paying off yet so more and more interest is added to it.... But apart from that I've not run up any huge bills and when my phone contract ended, I went onto PAYG so that the temptation to run up huge bills wasn't there. I just know that I'd end up with depression if I had massive debt problems.
Sorry, but if you want to get out of debt you will. A little will power didn't harm anyone. You only need to pay off enough so you have a manageable amount to pay every month. If you earn 1k per month there's no harm in £300-400 of that going on debt and bills. Then you can still go out with your mates. You can phone places and tell them you can't afford pay and arrange a settlement fee. How the hell anyone tolls up £300 on a phone in the first place has me baffled!
Also, if you like to gamble join Betfair and do it for real. Bet sensibly on bets that you think will actually win rather than hoping to get lucky (e.g. Barcelona to win at 1/2 rather than a ten team accum or a 40/1 shot horse). I make anything up to 1k a month. It started with £10 on Reading to win in October and built up.
That's only your opinion coz you don't know how to do it. I understand why you say it though coz for some people it is dangerous. Not everyone bets with their heads. But if you understand your sport and you bet disciplined it's really easy.
I've been getting CCJs against people for the last 2 years with a name - it's all that's needed.. From around now though, a date of birth will also be needed - not sure about other claims but certainly the ones we do (unsecured loan) a DOB will be required for the claim form.