dave pearce

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by eyeball, Mar 6, 2003.

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  1. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Why are you so afraid to voice your views without the get out clause apologising to Mark all the time when you say something which might not go down well? Just because you may feel there are bad points to the club or the way it is being ran doesn't mean Mark is going to reach for the razors, he does a great job I'm not distupting that fact, to highlight critisism is a good thing as it's only then you can improve on what you have, it's called listening to the punters.

    and I certainly do not lick anybodies arse, if I think something is/has been done well I will say it because I mean it, I had a great night when I came up for Hardwick 5hr set and that reflected in my review, I meant it, I didn't say the things I said to get in there with the promotor. You lot seemed to be obsessed with this sort of thing, Promotors believe it or not are real people just like you and I, treat them the same as you would do anybody else, they find things like this highly amusing.

    Maybe a new marketing approach is needed but you have to remember to market yourselves in the right areas or you're merely throwing your money away. Does Promise even know what direction it's going in, it's wanting to change the music policy, a drastic one and not to mention the crowd.
  2. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    At the end of the day, i dont want to look like i know how to run a club, cos i have no idea. I get on with Mark, so i treat him as i would want him to treat me, with respect, and more importantly not on a he's above me basis. By using the "get out clauses" im just highlighting that i honestly wouldnt know how to do his job. As for arselicking, when did i say you arselicked? I was refering more to the Dave Pearce thing... sorry if it came across anyother way, but i read what you put on this board, and wouldnt slate you, cos i think you have a good way of putting points etc. across. (no arselickin intended!:)).

    As for Promises direction, i know what way id like to see it to go, but this is gonna be largely controlled by the market Mark and Rich aim towards. U cant just aim at your week in week out die hard clubbers, to me the ideal club would consist of everything from students, local, and your mad for it clubbers. I enjoy meeting people from different backgrounds etc.

    One thing with this board is people make an opinion and get gunned down for it, I am probs guilty for the gunning down i admit, and am gonna cut back on it, but alot of people dont put their thoughts across for that reason...

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