Well you seemed to enjoy it Went to see it last night and its quite good. Quite tearful tho. The bloke next to me was blubbering full on! The whole film is so extremely focused about racism tho, it almost made me uncomfortable. Some great acting tho, and the music was class.
Racism is almost the main point of the whole film, didn't expect that. Brilliant film though, just totally different from anything I've saw tbh. I've never went from being so gutted/sad in a film, to being happy again. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it
I simply don't understand it.. I watched it last night but it just seemed to have no other point than to show how racism plays a massive part in everyday life.. Also seemed to combat the idea of misinterpretation in modern day society.. :spangled: Too much like lost in translation.. (as in the way it was filmed..)
i went to watch it last night, thought it was really good it was always gonna be obvious how prevalent racism is in a city the size of LA, but the story was well told one or two points were a bit far-fetched, like the fact it was matt dillons cop who turned up at the car crash worth watching though
it's a very interesting film with a rather thought provoking plot. I did feel at the start of the film the theme of racism was pushed at you far too much rather than it just being a subtle message. By the end of the film tho it all came together and makes more sense as to why its forced upon you. Overall its well scripted, well directed and above all very well acted.
Just been to see this Film tonight Thought it was really good, Totally makes you think, Very Clever indeed
I was lmao when the Persian guy fired the bullet, thought it was shocking as fuck b4 he fired, too much racial tension in the film for me tho..
There are some low points in the movie which to some would be considered depressing (im heartless as you know tho )
I watched this the other day (the 2005 one and not the sick shit one) and I thought it was great. All the acting was good and was some big names in it too.