Highlights - Ibiza in August, Xmas time, trips to the Lakes, London and Skirtland. Also the way my job and relationship is going - never washed a dish in 2004. Lows - the state some Bahranian tennant has left my flat in. Booted him out though. 2005 - Looking forward to hopefully buying a house TOON-side and of course all the live gigs I have tickets for.
Hasn't been a bad year, to be honest. The usual ups and downs. Never ever ever expected it to end on the high that it has tho. It may sound silly to some of you but I still can't believe whats happened in the past week. Im so loved up at the minute but I promise not to keep going on about it! Honest! :angel2:
Cant w8 to see the end of 2004......what a wonderful way to end a year...getting kicked out on xmas years eve.....at least I get to move into a pub....don't know whether thats a good idea or not!:beer: :beer:
This year has made me feel old, and often as if i've trapped in a cross between Hollyoaks and Fear and Loathing.. plus sides have been starting writing for Mixmag, getting a place on my journo course, finding a permanent home for me and my mate Jeff after much packing and moving, and getting my hyperactive kitty Stella, thailand and prauge. down sides have been EVERYONE having relationship traumas that would make Tricia wince and battling various bastard landlords... can see 2005 being a bit tricky TBH what with commuting to Darlo' and living on nowt for 5 months plus shorthand exams
LEE GIVES US THE DETAILS FFS we all need a bit of cheer between xmas and new year as the sugar rush wears off and our overdrafts kick in...
Been an awesome year for clubbing...and trance is coming back strong gods at arena global gathering bosh live etc etc etc other than that same shit different shovel has flew over tho
i'd like to pretend ours was after summat classier, like the jam and spoon tune, or the fashion designer. however jeff drinks vast amounts of the stuff, so it seemed appropriate. we're seeking a sponsorship deal so i can get her neutered.
Highs - Well theres been wuite a lot of highs this year.... Lows - Around about 104 of them.....Usually Mondays/Tuesdays
Can't comment on Global but if the Arena and Bosh Live were ur highlights, u've had a really shit year!
hmm, highs setting a date for our wedding (only 535 days to go!!!!) getting my a-levels getting into uni going camping with ness (alton towers, wooler) lows breaking up with ness at the start of the year, losing a brilliant job not seeing people i used to work with every day and to everyone that has had a shit year for one reason or the other, time is a great healer and you never know whats around the corner.
Clubbing wise? Eddie @ Trees in Feb. Tissera @ Trees in March. Hardwick @ Promise in September Armin @ Gods in October. Hardwick's five hours in November. Didnt really enjoy the Arena at all.
Highs- Going to Vegas Getting a payrise at work Moving House No arguments with my boyfriend !!!!!!!!! Slimming down from a size 16 to a size 12 which I'm very happy about. Lows- Not seeing my little brother for 5 months when he went to war in Iraq. Being accused of stealing from my boyfriends mam but it's all sorted now.She found it and I got to tell my boyfriends brother who accused me exactly what I thought about him. Who knows what will happen next year perhaps I will get to meet people from the board.