Your questions to Pete Tong.... Quizing Tongy tomorrow for the paper and wondered if anyone had anything they wanted to ask him? He's certainly the most prominant figure in UK clubland and a real mover and shaker, ask me to ask him anything - I'm not scared!
Simon, what happened to the interview you did with Mark, Rob, Richard and Kerry? Did it ever get uploaded anywhere? Question to tong - do you ever get sick of the expression "Its all gone a bit Pete Tong"? That question has been asked in almost every interview with him that I have read so he will be getting sick of answering!!!
had probs with the minidisc, but will hopefully retrieve it and get it all up this week. It's like an albatros around my neck!
I got one: What do you think about the supposed iminent demise of the 'superclub', and what do you say to the doomsayers who are predicting the death of clubland? :groovy:
Do you think dance music has changed for the better or worse over the years you've been DJing or has it just changed with the times? That might be a retorical question but who cares lol
Do u find it annoying that everyone uses your names as ryhming slang? Especially as they re using it for a negative effect...