Your mates having kids Just got an email from old school friend with pics of her new baby. Only thing is, she failed to mention at any point that she was even pregnant!
Re: Re: Your mates having kids i had a scary few moments last year when i ran into an ex with a kid... didn't quite work out that the baby was less than a year old and i went out with her when we were in school
I dont think any of my friends have kids :think: An old friend does but I never see her and I dont think she ever sees the little un either! Looooads of people from my year at school have kids going from Friends Reunited!
one of my good m8's is having a kid. Thing is she was seeing one of my best m8's for about 2 years and by the time they'd been split up for about 4 months and she'd found a new bf she was pregnant. I know the new bf quite well though and they seem happy and in the correct frame of mind to bring up a child well so good luck to them
It scares me when people my age or younger have kids. I don't want to be grown up! Definitely could not cope with children at the moment
babies suck ass, they're shite untill they're at least 2 and even that's a marginal improvement. 6 to 12 is ok cos they can do useful stuff like eat/dress themselves/wipe their own arses and they're quite good fun. 13 onwards is a total nightmare. 17 is another improvement as they can more or less feed themselves on the rare occasions they're in the house to pick up pocket money all in all I could easily have got a lot more fun out of £100k
when kids get to about 1 its starts getting better cos they start walking and that. new born babies are boring
new borns are boring 6 12 months are the best, they are entertaining moving around and giggling but they cant answer you back! they dont stop your life though i still go out (thanks to my parents) and im doing a college course so i can do a degree in pyschology and human biology next year, as iv always said a baby doesnt stop your life they make it a bit harder,
Figures like that are the last thing i want to see right now!! My otherwise fairly good little girl for no obvious reason wouldn't go to sleep at all last night. I'm absolutely shattered. at work today. The thought of £100k is not helping me look at it all in a positive way It's difficult to say when the best time is to have kids. Although i suppose i'm a fairly old mum, i still don't want to become old and boring, but having the energy to be anything other than boring is difficult at the moment