Your favourite/worst teacher from school

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TryHard*tidyShaun, Feb 21, 2003.

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  1. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Your favourite/worst teacher from school

    My favourite without a doubt was Mrs kershaw from Design Technology, she worshipped the ground I walked on. I could do no wrong, she was never pushy, she let you get on with it and never questioned the way you did it. It's your way and that's good enough for her. She let our group on our table get away with allsorts.

    The worst was Mr Bell from PE, Dont get me wrong I liked PE but Mr Bell Get a life you sports addict and you didnt look all that!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Hoochie Mamma
    my favourite was mr pearson who was my cdt teacher.............he even made my gsce course work 4 me.........

    there was too teachers i disliked at school, fat bill & fat burney..............fat bill taught me history & i though the was ok til the day i got my gcse he handed them over he told me i'd failed his subject...........:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    fat burney taught me english & what a patronising old bag she was.............u knew whether she was in cos she always wore perfume that smelt like cat piss!!!

  4. TryHard*tidyClaire

    TryHard*tidyClaire Registered User

    Jan 8, 2003
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    my favourite teacher was mrs fysh, she was ace, you could get away with murder

    on the last week of school a few of us took cameras in and on the photos that were taken in her lesson you can see people lying on the desks and allsorts!

    Worst was Mr Marshall, he was the headteacher and he thought me for Geograpy, I really hated him, he used to move me to the front all the time. He once told me that I was living in cloud cuckoo land if I thought I was going to get anything higher than an F in any of my GCSE's. He also once called me a brainless empty-headed bimbo when he was shouting at me in lesson
  5. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    Well my old math's teacher shouted at me (and i quote) ' what's your problem, are you mentally sick or twisted in some way????'

    (admittedly it was a strange offence, but hey :p )

    to which i replied 'yes'.

    hehe, i loved maths :p

    And german was quality as well... went through something like 6 or 7 german teachers in my time at that school... it was just pure mayhem... i was never really that bad in that class, i just used to sit n listen to my walkman, laughing my tits off at the people around me... was fantastic :D

    mind, that probably why i got an E in german.

    that reminds me - my german persentation exam... went into the room, sat down, the examinor told me about the exam, asked if i was ready, and started recording - her first question: 'have you got your presentation john?' (in german) to which i replied: 'Nein.'

    that somehow got me an E, i expected a U at best :p

    ah... great times :D

    :D :groovy: :D
  6. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    bad teachas
    David Leach-would lift 11yr olds up by the sideburns till you were on tip=toes

    Tiny Mc Gough-Threw child then desk out of window

    evil one-eyed fucker - saw him pick a small boy up by then neck and hold him against the wall, feet off the floor

    Mick Savage-called two black boys 'coons', nig-nogs & Kunta Kinte (roots) (this was only in 1980)

    Rob Little-hit a 13yr old so hard across his head knocked him out of hi seat

    Flossy-wore a gold chain round one ankle. Only whores wear these. Every 12yr old boy knows that

    .... any more Si?

    Good teachers
    Dill Bainbridge = used to laugh at my 'salacious' essays, taught me to play and love hockey
  7. Nat

    Nat Registered User

    Oct 22, 2002
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    Down bloody South
    My favourite teachers were my Reg/Biology teacher Mrs Lee R.I.P.
    and Mr Hall my History teacher he was funny as fuck:D

    My worst teacher was miss Jameson she was a technonlgy teacher, who looked like a man also miss Edington my It teacher who always shouted... stupid cow :mad:
  8. hummel

    hummel Fucking imbecile

    Jul 20, 2002
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    All my teachers were as bad as each other, they were all cunts, then again they did have to put up with my constant shit (when i was allowed in the lessons)!! :D
  9. dreamer

    dreamer Registered User

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Jezzy, Newcastle.
    hmmm. still in sixth form now, my fave teacher has gotta be Mrs Kirkup, she HOT!!!, she flirts with me and all the lads in my year!

    I hated a teacher called Mr Hoffard, he was a science tecaher in my middle school (Gosforth West), what a prick, he used to sit us boy,girl,boy,girl every lesson which was a fuckd up thing when i was that age. I remember he give sum1 detention for knocking on his door too many times, and he lost it with a kid who said 'why is there no letter 'I' on the stencil?

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