Yoji tune ID Listening to Yoji's DanceValley 2001 set that I downlaoded from Kazaa a while ago. About 44 mins in he drops this really evil NRG tune with the vocal "This Place Is Rockin" Anyone knwo what it is? This, the one after it, with the vocal "Everyone Out There Ready?", and the last tune in this mix, be greatly appreciated if anyone could tell me what these are. Cheers
'this place is rockin' = yoji biomehanika - look @ the heaven... wkd tune.. so happy! errr.. i'll have 2 dig the cd to id the last one mate
Cheers fella. The copy of this I have is taken from some Dutch radio station, and doesn't include the whole of the last tune, just about 2 minutes of it. Kinda steps up the pace a hell of a lot though, HARD!