Xstatic & Deprivation Subway City Brum 13/02/10 XSTATIC & DEPRIVATION WE LOVE YOU! -------------------------------------------------------------- It’s been very hard in our house all over the Christmas and New Year period as we’ve been busy formulating our plans and we are now ready to let you know what's going on! XSTATIC & DEPRIVATION Present 'Masters of Hard House' UK & World Tour which will see us visit magical places far and wide. We’ve rounded up the troops and we’re very pleased to announce our first stop is at the Subway City where we will not only deliver our trademark Xstatic & Deprivation line up but also this will be our cheapest event we’ve ever put on in Birmingham. Full tour details coming soon, for now lets take stock and show our love for the finest Hardhouse & Trance DJ’s in the country which are - -------------------------------------------------------------- Room 1 Amadeus Mozart (tidy boys) Andy Farley Karim Ilogik JP & Jukesy Jimmy Dean Lusty Valex Kirsty Lee James Energy Syndicate Ash Preston -------------------------------------------------------------- Room 2 Gio Jason Kenetic Glyn c Shaun Cartwright Lazarus Projekt Matt farmer Marky Mark Digital Horizon DJ Wan -------------------------------------------------------------- Room 3 James Ellis Mike Lennon Sonik Rich Halpin Rob south Special K V.I.C Charlie bosh Daz Pearson -------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Saturday 13th February 2010 Time: 21.00 – 08.00 Venue: Subway City, 27 Water Street, Birmingham, B3 1HL Price: Limited Early Birds £5 | Advanced £8 online MOTD Drinks offers:</b> £2.50 Doubles & Mixer or Bottled of Bud b4 midnight Coaches: Available on demand contact Daz 07753752203 www.theticketsellers.co.uk or call 0844 870 0000 www.moreonthedoor.com For More Information check below. http://www.bangingtunes.com/forum/topic/t131521/ http://www.dontstayin.com/chat/i-1/k-3142828 http://www.dontstayin.com/chat/i-1/k-3142830 http://www.facebook.com/event.php?e...05203441&ref=mf Please add all your buds to this