Xmas Work Partys Whos going to one with work....i am and i dont knwo if iam looking forward to it or not.....its in 2 weeks time at the menzies hotel silverlink..(Feel free to come and Gatecrash it if you want) its on a thuraday..and probs afterwards we'll be goin clubbin,so i need some suggestions off people of where to go....and dont say baja..
Were going to the "Old Assembley Rooms" which is meant to do a canny meal and afterwards into town most likely the Quayside - most years summits happened, someone pissed being an arsehole, some married wife copping off with another married bloke - tends to be a laugh like - i remember last year i went to "St James Park" for a meal and then just so happened to bump into me mates in Liquid 8hrs later totally :spangled: - ended up going to see Seb Fontaine and the rest as they say is history Good Crack works do's if ya get on with ya work mates
Re: Xmas Work Partys make sure u save loads of money cos the drinks in there aint cheap!!!!!! the last place i worked had a work's do there an lucky for us the boss picked up the bill. good job 2 coz b'tween 10 of us we spent well ova a grand behind the bar
Our lot are having ours at the Assembly Rooms too. Had my uni Freshers ball there 3 years ago. Pricey as fook from what I remember!!! I'm only going to get my free drinks from the tight b@stards, then either off to work half cut or on to Sunday Trading!!!
oi!!!!! I dont work, therefor i dont get a work party, but lucky for me my mummy runs a hotel, and i get to go to her party, so i get to get dressed up in a little dress and high heels and tottle around being "the bosses daughter" all night!! oh how i love christmas!!
I get to go to two!!! One team party at Lumley Castle (Elizabethan Banquet) and a 60's/70's/80's theme fancy dress department party which I have the pleasure of organising.....all sorted all I need it more people...anyone interested?!?!?!
my work do, if u could call it that involves an alldayer starteing with a free drink and buffet at work, on to the classy drinking area of low fell followed by drunkin antics in the town and then falling asleep in Promise to seb fountaine... its always a quality day out
someone can go to mine... some big black tie do in london... sounds good but im away SKIIN Free food n bouze!!