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Just imagine playing Pro Evo on that bad boy it gonna be like watching live footy on the box but you control the players
wow do you have a time machine ??? and dont give me ashit like its better on paper cos the xbox is better than PS2 on paper but Ps2 is miles better
My mate works as a computer game designer and they have the Xbox360 and he says technically it is out of this world
i concur. wonder what the online capabilities will prove to be like against each other tho. already know the ps3 will piss all over it power wise. but weve had nowt solid for the multiplayer side unlike the xboxes tried and tested xbox live service. hope the ps3 has all the media centre capabilities the xbox does
i was intially sceptical, but from reading the technical specs, the raw processing power of the ps3 will put it out of reach of the 360 - anyone with half an interest, and too much spare time, go to gamespot, and watch the streaming footage of the whole sont e3 presentation - it's nearly two hours long, but you will be impressed by it's power. (for raw technical grunt, check it out when it is rendering more than 40 streams of 1080p high definition video, all at once...) the best way i think, to describe it is - the 360 is a fine machine, extremely powerful, everything i expected from the new next gen consoles. but ps3 is twice that, it's a true leap that no-one was expecting, and i for one look forward to it... and thats rare for me, the last console i bought at launch was a dreamcast.. check it:
:clap: :worship: :clap: :worship: :clap: my sentiments exactly im buying the xbox 360 as soon as it comes out then im trading it in as soon as the ps3 is released might even reserve both of them as for games i think the next generation consoles you will be able to convert the games your self or be able to buy an adaptor to cross network the two consoles either way we win
any supposed ps3 screen shots that are out on the net are all bollox. Nvidia still havent finished the RSX (GFX Chip in the ps3) so the shots that are floating around are just wot they could potentially look like. Wot cole said about the xbox having the potential to be better is very true. It's quite clear that it will be out powered by the ps3, tho i dont actually think it will be as evident as sony would like to think it was, but the xbox will be out much earlier will be a lot cheaper and Microsoft are closing the gaps in their games market that sony used to have strongholds over and would have been a reason to buy the console (Gran Turismo is now equalled by Forza Motorsport, Final Fantasy by Jade Garden, Xbox gets GTA tho albeit months later but u see my point). So at this point in time i envisage the xbox doing very well when it comes out and the ps3 likewise, neither will fall on their arse unless people just dont buy the ps3 due to its price tag and god only knows how much they are gonna charge for games on it.
it's not always about power - look how the PS1 sales went mental years after it's original launch just because people suddenly realised how easy it was to copy games - and look at the Dreamcast failing...
i agree.. power isnt the be all and end all, but this is the first time i've seen a system that looks to be so far in excess of everything else - in an earlier thread i stated i was sceptical about the cell processor, having read some technical documents and seen the 'shows' im impressed, they are doing something different and i think it's going to be quite, quite special...
Ninty Revolution for moi - I'd rather have summinck that will be guaranteed to have good games. Mebbees will get a ps3 or 360, depending if anything decent get's released for them (and not released on the pc as well)