www.compassdj.co.uk www.compassdj.co.uk Check out the new site for my club night.. We're still in the early stages but its looking good!!! Let me know what you think??
I like the colour scheme, gives it kindda futuristic look somehow! Reminded me on the Matrix when I looked at it...:spangled: Was their any reason for choosen layout and green colour?
Gio - u ever thought about becoming a model? theres some great mug shots of you there: how about i send u that one ive got of you, u can put that up on there too
Looks good. One thing tho, on the events you don't mention who is playing, usually people want that kind of info? Maybe opening times for Full On as well? The DJ bio pages have plenty of info on them but maybe a pic of the DJ might make the page stand out a bit more? Can't comment on the flash intro movie cos I couldn't be bothered for my 56k modem to load it!!! On the whole it looks very good! Please note : My opinions don't really count for much!!!
One more thing, the main pages fit to a single screen (in 1024 * 768), which I like, but the scroll bar still shows, personally I don't think the scroll bar should be there because it isn't needed!
One more thing, when you click the "Take Me Home" button in the top left corner it opens the main page in a new window.
If you go to www.fullon.co.uk you get all the line up info, that is sufficent just now as the whole night itself doesntget orginised by myself. and the photo thing in the boig is being adressed... But thanks fro the feed back..
I can't believe you got the address wrong Gio. It is www.fullondj.com The message board is now up and running. Mikey