I went a couple of years ago Actually that would make me 18 and it was way before that Was class I used to like it, watch it very rarely now when i've got nowt else to do. Rey Mysterio (for all the haters, im not a wrestling fan so dont be using it against me in next years promise board awards )
theres something slightly gay about watching two men in their pants all oiled up and rolling around together
Rey Mysterio is wicked I also love Rik Flair WOOOOOOOOOHH now really struck on Ken Kennedy KENNNNEDDDY and I hope to see Kurt Angle so I can scream You Suck You Suck Im a proud wrestling fan
aye... was fun 15 years ago... even 5 years ago it was good saturday morning tv - brutal matches were always fun...
Maybe il wave a banner with his face in a awkward position on top onf a bloke and write in humungous letters YOU SUCK