WRC 2005 - The only sporting event worth any attention Finally the World Rally Championship returns to our screens!! Obviously its better than football, none of this nancy boy shirt pulling here Any fans? The Monte was class!!! Disappointing to see both Subarus out though
it was well hairy... on a number of occasions i thought a few of em were heading for a trip down a cliff face (the quick way) :spangled: but yeh, WRC
I know Petter Solberg probs came the closest like!! Few more FEET and he would have been over the cliff Some big smashes aswell like, Duval hitting that telegraph pole was a huge implact, and Armin Schwarz' roll gave him a dislocated shoulder! Tough rally is the Monte!
did ya see the in-car cams on the solberg smash? 'no brakes... NO BRAKES... NO BRAKES!!! ' *smash* the look on the faces of both of them was raw terror, you could see they knew how close they were...