I dunno. I saw them on the Vestax site and thought they looked out of the ordinary. They also have a new portable deck that you can carry around while your vinyl shopping.MaDnEsS:spangled:
vestax say that there made for dj booths with limiteds space and also with revolutionise scratching and trick positions... first dj in space as well
just in case the dj booth is the size of a phone box? er.. i know i cant be bothered to think... but gravity says the needle will drop to the centre, u try scratchin vinyl upside down, think vestax have tried to compete with Pioneer... nice one guys
Vestax have a lod of mad new designs being released. You seen the ones shaped like an eletric guitar?
Nah m8. I'll try and find them on the Vestax sites later. Sound canny maad like!!!!!!! I use Vestax and its nice to see that their trying new things.lol