Would you fly with an eastern european airline? I mean, people say they're as safe as any other airline it doesn't matter but I think it does. They supposedly get all the proper checks just like in the UK, but do they? I remember watching a documentary on a man travelling through eastern europe not long ago and I saw some pretty shocking stuff and what they see as acceptable standards are probably not what we think as acceptable over here, which what made is so shocking to watch., It showed the mans plane being delayed because it couldn't afford the fuel and they had to get the passengers to do a whip round, the pilots were drinking vodka in the lounge before the flight, so what does this say about safety standards too? If I had to make a journey to eastern europe and I was offered a flight with an eastern european airline I would turn it down and pay the extra to go with BA or something, I wouldn't feel comfortable otherwise
I never fly with airbus airlines my grandfather was killed on an airbus. I refuse to fly with any airline that doesn't have a good safety record.
i bet most airlines have some shocking facts/etc that dont get out that wud never make u fly again.. as do all kinds of transporatation.. but yeh airbus companies are well dodgy.... a flight i was on to majorca was replaced with an airbus.... i didnt think we'd make take off.. the plane looked home made!
we're flying icelandair to Greenland I know that much, I pick the tickets up a week in tuesday, you better start packing and bring lots of hay
I'll bring the red rum wipes as well I can't decide whether to pack my cyber Is cyber cool in Greenland?
was on a 14hr Virgin Flight... it broke down in mid-air, i shit you not! But i d still travel with them.
Im of the same opinion, mainly because a experience at Manchester Airport, I was down at my uncles who lives in Manchester, he took us along to the airport as a concord was due in, within one hour we seen two emergency landings. One was a chinese airline and one engine had failed, the other was Gill Airways and the landing gear had failed, scary experience
and definitely not the 320...... its controlled by computer programs which can override the pilots not the other way round. It's impossible to write bug-free software! Anyone remember when one was doing a low fly by at Paris air show and the plane decided it was landing, so did so into a wood. Pilot error they said. Pah! I say
stopped off at roadside nah one of the engines packed up, so they had to release a loada fuel (out the wing of the plane), and return to where we left... pretty shit-your-pants experience when ure 12, and only travelling with you 9 yr old brother! Still love flying, and it hasnt put me off in the slightest... try standing under the wing of a shitty 3 seater plane (with no door) and pushing yourself off... wicked fun (oh i did luckily have a parachute)
I remember watching a documentary on an airbus crash once, it detected that it was on a collision course with another plane (although miles and miles away from it) so it decided it needed to get out the way - and pulled a stupid emergency manouvre as if the other plane was a metre in front of it, and ended up nose first into the floor... very dodgy - and app. during all this the pilot was trying to regain control of what should have been a simple manouvre, but the plane wouldnt let him... and once again, after an inquest, they reckoned that if the pilot had'nt fought with the plane it would have performed the move correctly yea sure, after it decides to go vertical i have actually flown airbus b4 - it seemed ok - but given the option i would certsinly choose a reputable airline/ aircraft.
Went on holiday to the Middle East, on the flight over there i found a COCKROACH in the toilet, if the airline couldn't keep basic hygiene up to standard, im not entirely sure about the state of the mechanical reliability of the airlines fleet of aircraft.
Flying is the safest method of travel. There isnt a single airline in the world with a "poor" safety record, not even Eastern European ones. There are obviously airlines with a worse safety record than others, but even the worst will actually have a very good record if you compare it to other forms of transport.