wot do the lil signs mean in the margin? wot do them lil camera's and question marks mean in the side of the margin?
on the forum page? the cameras are envelopes, the question marks are specifie icons... a question mark means question... it aint rocket sceince
Re: Re: wot do the lil signs mean in the margin? bit harsh. but if it means i am gonna die it must mean you are goin to die cos u will hav them aswell.
What about all the different coloured envelopes with little shapes coming out of them on the far left of the margin
There was a thread about this a while ago.. If its red its a new topic.. If its red with a dot in its a new topic that you started or have posted in If its grey with a dot in it means either you started or have posted in said topic.. I'll try and find the thread..
Actually if you scroll to the bottom of the main forum there is a little legend tellin you.. Now if you add a dot to those images it means you've posted in the topic..