Worst Job You've Ever Had

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ManofScience, Nov 21, 2005.

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  1. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Worst Job You've Ever Had

    Come on then, following on from Brid's thread... Whats the worst job you've EVER had? this could turn into a shite thread bearing in mind most people on here are students who work/did work in bars...

    Mine :

    1) Scaffolding plank maker : In a builders merchants yard, hammering metal strips onto the end of scaffolding planks... 100's and 100's of planks a day... 1000's and 1000's of nails a day... in all weather... tons of blisters, splinters, etc... but i was a student and i needed the money. All £2.50 an hour.

    2) Food Prepartion Assistant : Consisted of 2 roles

    a) Pre-Packed Sandwich Assitant - Making sure cheese was adequately arranged on a bit of bread in those sarnies u get on garage forecourts. a long converyor belt which never stopped for 4 hours till break. You'd get bad motion sickness, like watching the credits of a film too long. People would often pass out when it stopped abruptly.

    b) Meat Packer - Freshly sealed joints of meat came down a slide (covered in skin, junk, blood, etc) and i had to weight it into crates. Afterwards, clear up the 'left overs' in giant bag and chuck into a skip. that bit in 'fight club' where they're getting bags of fat from the skip... thats kinda what it was like... but very dirty...and the smell will live with me forever..... :sick:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. SoapieTW

    SoapieTW Registered User

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Away with the fairies
    my uncle used to own a sandwich shop and one summer when i was 13 or 14 he said i could work there for the day to see what it was like. I ended up being in the kitchen tearing fat off bacon and dabbing all the grease and oil off it after it being cooked. Think the usual women in ther thought they'd give me the jobs they hate! I also ended up just washing up for ages...... :rolleyes:

    I used to babysit for 2 brothers from being 14 to 16 and ended up practically nanying for them. But the worst was the youngest one had explosive diorrhea, could happen at any point.....euwwwww was gross! like kenny in south park :sick: :sick: :lol:
  4. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    packing polystrene in a factory, 6-2 shifts, during the summer holidays while at college

    either that or counting stock in a warehouse from 6am- 6pm
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i also had a mate worked at a toy factory... Matel i think it was, in Leicester... one of the sticker machines has broken down and was going to take a month to fix - hence get a temp in to put 'CE' stickers on every box that went past... a tiny sticker, the size of a tik-tac :lol:

    i think he went mad and lives in shopping trolley by the canal
  6. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....
    When I was still at school I used to work in a butchers on Saturdays just to get enough money to go out on a Friday or Saturday night to the many house parties that used to be held. It might not seem that bad but, when you consider the role consisted of me washing the pots and pans (that were covered in blood) and cleaning out the large refridgerator, which involved scrapping scraps of meat and blood from the floor and shelves :sick: - Makes me boring office job seem like heaven. Never again will I do such a job..... ever!
  7. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    National Rail enquiries - shit job, shit pay and shit hours (3-11)

    Closely followed by a side job a few of us had in the Army (with permission i might add) when we were based near Norwich:

    Plucking fuckin Xmas Turkeys for Bernard Matthews :lol:
  8. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Gordon bennet - some horrific jobs there MOS! Kudos!

    Erm... i think the worst job i ever had - was working in Safeways as 'hygiene assistant' after i applied to work on the tills.

    Now, theres bad jobs - and theres bad jobs made worse by absolute lack of a team, other people, or any sense of worth or achievement. Supermarkets force you into a mental drone like state where you suddenly cease to have any identity whatsoever (wearing another persons name badge for instance if you forgot your own - !!!) and are told to bend over absolutely backwards for all the customers regardless of anything.

    Basically my job was to clear shelves, clean, restock shelves. Sweep Backrooms, Clean around minging waste compactors.

    The job itself wasnt particularly hard - but the lack of anyone to talk to, and knowing that as soon as it was cleaned that it would be dirty next time you came to it, made every single shift an absolute pain in the rectum

    I lasted 3 weeks before just deciding not to turn up for work one day. My welsh hellraiser boss who made all of 50p an hour more than me decided to call me up and ask if i was coming into work again, and tried to convince me otherwise about striking a parallel between the finance career i was after - and management opportunities at safeway. .... !!!!

    Ironically, one of the best jobs ive ever had (ever ever ever) was working as a kitchen porter washing dishes when i was 18 for 3 quid an hour. It was hard work and ruined my hands but i dont think ive ever quite felt like a vitally important part of a team ever. Kitchen and restaurant work can be very hard and stressful but i think everyone realises that they have to work together to get through a service in one piece.

    Loved that job.
  9. RDR

    RDR Banned

    Aug 17, 2005
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    making dodgy deals
    I'd have to say it would be Via-Systems, now known as Circatex.
    4 12 hour shifts then 4 days off which aint too bad, yet the job was so fucking boring and it was full of whinging cunts.
    Ended up drinking and boshing gear to get me through the shift it got so bad, in the end I just quit and couldn't even look at another job for several years.
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i also worked in a supermarket as a fresh food assistant... highlight - working making the fresh pizza's and using cheese off the floor, snot from mi nose and spit :up:
  11. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    i once worked for a company called living design! selling kitchens over the phone. i worked with a massive woman who smelt like tea and cabbage, in a shoe box size office. two days after i started the company was on watchdog :lol: :lol:
  12. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I used to date a lass who spent the day putting tampons up dead ppls arses i dumped her when i found out
  13. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.....
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Leon

    Leon Non Board Moderator

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Working a restaurant in Ponteland for a fat head morrocan!!

    He is a fucking prick!! 3 of us left half way thru service on a Sunday!!

    There was fucking carnage!!:lol: :lol:
  15. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    you shocking bastard :lol:
  16. andygordon


    Sep 29, 2003
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    have done that job, walked out when i got shouted at for not being able to put 4 slices of tomato a second on a sandwich. used to get good money though and occasionally got to punch lettuces all day which was good.
  17. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    hahhaah - thats what me and the lads used to piss ourselfs laughing about - they took it SOOOOOOOOO seriously

    "GET THE FUCKING CHEESE STRAIGHT" - we'd just crease up laughing......
  18. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    Re: Worst Job You've Ever Had

    that'll of been quite a bit back then :p
  19. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Re: Re: Worst Job You've Ever Had

    i 've gotta bite.......... IT WAS ONLY '95/'96 :fuming:
  20. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    Re: Re: Re: Worst Job You've Ever Had

    :lol: :lol:
  21. chase

    chase Has geet 'S' on chest

    Oct 20, 2003
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    I used to be a car valeter at springfield on old durham road in gateshead, when one day some arsehole decided it would be funny if he sprayed me with brake fluid and set me on fire :evil:
    funilly enought he got turned over then next day :D :fart:

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