World's Top 100 Universities 2009 not sure if anybody is actually interested, but this was released today, performed by the times and qs top universities (british universities in bold)... 01. HARVARD University 02. CAMBRIDGE University 03. YALE University 04. UCL [University College London] 05. IMPERIAL College London 05. University of OXFORD 07. University of CHICAGO 08. PRINCETON University 09. MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology [MIT] 10. CALIFORNIA Institute of Technology [Caltech] 11. COLUMBIA University 12. University of PENNSYLVANIA 13. JOHNS HOPKINS University 14. DUKE University 15. CORNELL University 16. STANFORD University 17. AUSTRALIAN National University 18. MCGILL University 19. University of MICHIGAN 20. ETH ZURICH [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology] 20. University of EDINBURGH 22. University of TOKYO 23. KING'S College London 24. University of HONG KONG 25. KYOTO University 26. University of MANCHESTER 27. CARNEGIE MELLON University 28. École Normale Supérieure, PARIS 29. University of TORONTO 30. National University of SINGAPORE [NUS] 31. BROWN University 32. NORTHWESTERN University 32. University of CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles [UCLA] 34. University of BRISTOL 35. HONG KONG University of Science and Technology 36. ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE 36. University of MELBOURNE 36. University of SYDNEY 39. University of California, BERKELEY 40. University of BRITISH COLUMBIA 41. University of QUEENSLAND 42. École Polytechnique Fédérale de LAUSANNE 43. OSAKA University 43. TRINITY College Dublin 45. MONASH University 46. The CHINESE University of Hong Kong 47. SEOUL National University 47. University of NEWSOUTH WALES 49. TSINGHUA University 49. University of AMSTERDAM 51. University of COPENHAGEN 52. NEW YORK University [NYU] 52. PEKING University 54. BOSTON University 55. Technische Universitaet Muenchen [TUM] 55. TOKYO Institute of Technology 57. HEIDELBERG University 58. University of WARWICK 59. University of ALBERTA 60. LEIDEN University 61. The University of AUCKLAND 61. University of WISCONSIN - Madison 63. AARHUS University 63. University of ILLINOIS, Chicago [UIC] 65. Katholieke Universiteit LEUVEN 66. University of BIRMINGHAM 67. LONDON School of Economics and Political Science [LSE] 67. LUND University 69. KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science 70. University of YORK 70. UTRECHT University 72. University of GENEVA 73. Nanyang Technological University [NTU] 73. WASHINGTON University in St. Louis 75. UPPSALA University 76. University of CALIFORNIA, San Diego 76. University of TEXAS at Austin 78. University of NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill 79. University of GLASGOW 80. University of WASHINGTON 81. University of ADELAIDE 82. University of SHEFFIELD 83. DELFT University of Technology 84. University of WESTERN AUSTRALIA 85. DARTMOUTH College 86. GEORGIA Institute of Technology 87. PURDUE University 87. University of ST ANDREW'S 89. University College DUBLIN 90. EMORY University 91. University of NOTTINGHAM 92. NAGOYA University 92. University of ZURICH 94. Freie Universitat BERLIN 95. National TAIWAN University 95. University of SOUTHAMPTON 97. TOHOKU University 98. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen 99. University of LEEDS 100. RICE University surprised at nottingham and sheffield being as high as they are, and i'm surprised at southampton even being in there with universities like bath omitted. glad leeds managed to sneak in at 99, although if i went to one of the top 100 universities in the world, why can i still not find a graduate job?! bit gutted at ucl being fourth too, given that i turned down a place there (!)
I went to Manchester, never really had a problem getting a graduate job (apart from the numbers issues) and after that I've been offered pretty much every job i've applied for, apart from Shell oil and their silly entry quiz.
i've had two rejections just this week! i'm applying for pitiful jobs on awful salaries (~£15k) and not even getting those. fucking recession...
Applying for jobs after graduating is a pain in the arse. I came out of Northumbria with a masters and a bachelors, and was told I was either "overqualified" or "didn't have enough experience". When I graduated two years ago, I spent 8 months submitting 300 applications, and got 5 responses (only one of which was a job offer). Once you get your foot through the door and get some experience on your cv, it suddenly becomes miles easier.
How many C.V.s have you sent off and is your C.V. good? Basically its number, apply to everything and anything even jobs you know a little about but it's not your direct field, even if its just to get interview experience. I applied to around 100 companies but my first graduate position came after meeting a principle engineer at a graduate fair, I was offered a job pretty much on the spot. Just keep trying and remember to pimp your self out.
i'm not certain to be honest as the official website ( is knackered, i had to pull that crack from the lefties over at
i was surprised at that one too to be honest. when that website starts working i shall investigate further.
part time uni and 4 days a week at work is the forward man, no fees, no debt and all the experience you need