work i come into work, i sit at my desk log onto me laptop and play a few games of freecell, then go onto the warehouse, open up the shutter door and get me pens, markers and knife out ready for deliverys coming then go back into my office and have a play on the internet do this until break at 10.30 where i dont move from me desk then at lunch time at 12.30 i go into the warehouse and go to sleep on an empty rack and then wake up around 2 with no bugger relising i have been asleep or missing for 45 mins then break time at 3 then home at 4.30 i do nothing at work its so fucking annoying, i have 2 people that work under me and they do everything in the warehouse except goods in thats what i do, everything that comes through the door i check and book in off the system, this worked great till we lost half our work force and there is just no work coming in or going out, so through a loop-hole i work for about 20 mins a day, its sounds great but im sick as a chip. im glad im not here much longer like rant over
just be glad you have a job fella. Where I work they've been laying people off left right and centre, not good...
they wont fucking lay me off id have been quite happy to get laid off but they wouldnt lt me volenteer as they knew i was leaving in november for somewhere else, all the people i used to speak to and have good crack with have gone, its just the clique left now who i dont speak to and who i hate with a passion. this time last year man the company i work for was making 1.000.000 a month and now where scraping by with 120.000
I absolutely detest my job at the moment. There's allllllmost enough to keep me busy, but the last few hours each day it can be difficult trying to find stuff to do, which I fucking hate. Not a great time to be looking for something else though.
dont get me started on my job! slitting my wrists would be more fun and enjoyable that working for sky!
a job at your boyfriends place is proper wank. Crack from the staff is great, however the management are shit and so is the pay. Still I suppose it has it's benefits (like playing pranks on willy love)....
work is always good crack for me, 9-5 working in the city centre working facing a pub that does the best pint ever on a lunch time, £1.95 firing out emails allday answering calls, and winding me work mates up escaping for more pints at 5 bells... oh the life...
ha ha ha ha get in REAL ladys dont drink pints, if anything they buy a pint but pour it into a half glass
yeah too right, we do... they go down a treat with a half glass when ive had the morning from hell, they calm me down BIG TIME