Work Bloopers I restarted a domain controller by accident yesterday Busy working away, clicking, as you do, and just where I am about to click, that daft Microsoft updates notification pops up saying "restart to complete" etc...just where I clicked at that time it was over the "Restart Now" button Didn't have time to even realise :fart:
pwned indeed! I work for a fairly small company, we only have 2 servers - one runs the office system (which is based on a sql database) and also blackberry. The other, (domain controller), is file/print/DNS/AD/Exchange and everything else. Not ideal but the cost of multiple servers in a company this size would be pretty large. The other server is not a backup domain controller. This is actually something I have been trying to review - if we lose the DC, then that means no authentication and then people can't log in.... Would it be feasible to promote the other server to a backup domain controller? One thing I did notice yesterday is that when the server went down, email and file services were lost, but internet connection AND access to the other server remained - so for users already logged on/authenticated, it didnt totally stop them working, although obviously no new users could authenticate. It's just a bit of a concern that should the PDC have a hardware failure or whatever, the resulting downtime would be pretty lengthy! Also - when a user logs on, when the DC isnt available, the local profile is used. Would they still be able to access other resources? AND - what is cluster/forest all about? (This is why I was saying the MCSE may be of use!!) The anti-geek brigade will love this
Said before and i'll say again : tech support, logged into a doctors' surgery, SCOUnix server running the patient database software and data... 1 lad accidentally creates a file called *... thinks opps, quick as a flash types rm * in the root as admin. Well... 3 days later it was kinda back up and running again with 3 weeks old data off the only working backup tape as they hadn't replaced them for years. text book.
On a similar note; One of our supported products was used by a certain doctor "Shipman" of mass murdering fame... After the whole incident came out, we'd often log comedy jobs in the support system along the lines of "Dr has murdered one of his patients and would like to know how to fudge the system to cover his tracks" made us chuckle. black humour. ahh fuck off.
You should be able to promote the other server to be a backup domain controller, it is even possible to get it to do the same with DHCP and DNS. If there is no Domain Controller available, the machines usually allow use of a 'roaming' profile or a previous cached logon (in effect it remembers what your profile was like last time you logged on.) The resources available would depend on how you have your services run accross the network. I think I'm right in saying you can only cluster machines if they're not domain controllers. The solution in your case would be to make one a master and one a backup or mirror.
these geek threads amaze me no end,, how the fuck can u randomly pick sooo mnay lush sounds uber syllabled words an string them together in such formats is beyond me long live the geek