woo hoo free drugs NHS patients are to be given cannabis as part of a government-funded trial. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3164619.stm ooooh, i think that's me back just gone :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill:
ah ha ha ha ha, in a dracular sesame street type laughy thing! one ah ah ah ah ah ah ah two ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
did u see that thing on the news ages ago, where someone had found a place where the government were growing fields of cannabis plants for 'medical research' and everyone was going down a digging up the plants
i read a stroy of a lass who was burgled in canada & she had 2 carriers full of weed stolen.....now cos of a law thats been passed in canada when the burglars were caught the police had to return the weed to the lass!!!
i personally think they already know that it releaves pain and all the rest of it and they're just stalling coz when its legal for this type of thing it will strengthen the case for decriminalisation. My Dad was on this before he died because of the pain he was getting from the cancer so they have been using it medicinally for years. Me aunty used to get stuff to put in her cups of tea for her ms to. still, this makes me laff......"There is evidence that cannabis may stimulate the appetites of Aids patients with wasting disease."
no way!!!!!! anyone seen T3 yet when arnie is stocking up in the garage or whatever is is, 6 bags of crisps, loads of bars of chocolate n stuff, cans of coke, more sweets n crisps......