Women who keep their surnames when they get married Do you have any views on this? ladies, would/will you consider doing it?, will you take your husbands when you marry? lads, would you let you woman keep her own? or would you be offended by her decision if she wanted to keep it and try and talk her out of it? What about your kids? If she wanted to take it a step further and have the kids with her surname too? Would you (the lads) put your foot down?
If Helen doesnt have our surname then our family name is dead. You are the future Jus!! You'll have to keep having kids til you have a boy that can carry the name on
im going to take ness whole name not just his surname. my name is lucy graham, ness name is graham neilson, so ill be called lucy graham neilson, and our kids will look posh with double barreled names lol:clap: :laugh:
it depends on how shit my fella's surname was when i was agreeing to amrry him...if it's wank then i keep my name...if its altreet i'll take his!!!