Winter How horrible is the weather I woke up this morning at half 7 and I could have sooo went back 2 sleep it was all dark, cold and rainy...and grey :sleep: Bed Back to the subject... Is it really true that we might be having the worst winter anybody has seen in the last century ? N if so, (cos i havent been watching the news or the weather recently) Whats it gonna be like Snow n stuff? I hate to be a scrouge but I hate snow Excuse to stay in and drink tea
i also hate the bad weather specially cos i have to drive in it! last yr i didn't ge tto c my mates for over a week cos of th eshitty weather....also means i mite not b able to c Ken cos he'll b out playing in it!
Im sure I heard some1 saying there was going to be a canny few feet of it and i hope that isnt true Unless i get snowed in
I heard it was supposed to snow this week. I know what it's like when you've got to get up at that time and it's cold and dark and your bed it lush and warm.
Lol..unbelievably technical..woah how do you spell unbelievable? Did I spell that wrong? Ive been doing that loads recently :spangled: I spelt shock wrong 2day...hmm...should have slept this weekend :doh:
I hate the rain more than least snow is fun for a little while...rains about as fun as getting smacked in the face with a football.
that made me smile! its like when someone walks past u & ur not smiling if they just rub their finger on ur cheek, gentley u can't help but smile!